General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I had two scarey moments today...

Message started by starmom on 06/17/06 at 17:43:49

Title: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/17/06 at 17:43:49


Ok, So Im ridin my  bike to a reefkeeprs meeting (I have a 75 gallon saltwater tank with corals and fishies)

anyhow, as im comming thru a light and there is a turn, my back tire catches some gravel or sand or somthing like that, and i can feel my back tire sliding out alittle i lightly let off the throttle until i got thru it, but I held on, and keep the rubber side down, then im going down the road, its kinda hilly and where i had to make a left turn i had to stop on an uphill and wait for traffic, once i had my opening thankfully i waited until it was a huge opening, no more cars comming i went to go and stalled out and then restarted and stalled again and then the bike leaned left and went over "in the middle of the lane"  so thankfully since the 650 is not a very heavy bike and i have lifted it once before i went to pick it up but i was still in gear  so it wouldnt roll, thankfully i pulled in the clutch and then it got moving but this was scarey because i could have easily been run over by a car flying over the hill and not seeing me and the bike on the  other side. a nice lady in a mini van was kind enough to ask if i needed any help which i didnt think that i did, and she probably flashed any cars that were comming in my direction.

I rode up the block to my meeting, alittle shook up because i realized how easily i could have gotten really hurt or killed in that moment. :'(

Its part of the learning process, everyone makes mistakes such as these in the beginning, I only hope i never experience that again that my brain body connection knows now how to avoid that.

its also probaby due to the fact that was i think in 2nd gear instead of first that it stalled.......... ???

NO damage that i can see, the only thing that happened was that my rear view mirror got knocked alittle loose, and thankfully for that little took kite i broke out the wrench and fixed that quickly.

would appreciate some imput...


Sue (with the sore shoulder from an older injury now aggravated by lifting that beautiful bike) :P

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Jagndeke on 06/17/06 at 19:06:55

Scary story Sue.

Glad you're alright, safe and sound. I betcha there isn't a one of us that haven't had similar incidents and recognized the lessons learned in the incident. That's the key... to walk away unscathed and take a lesson learned with you. Real-life learnings stick with you way longer than any kind of training and stuff. Just glad the real life incident didn't cause you any harm.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Ed_L. on 06/17/06 at 19:39:04

Glad to hear you are OK and the bike didn't get hurt. It could of been worst and you learned a lot in just a few seconds. Try finding a dirt road and pratice some hard rear tire braking to get used to having the rear slip. You don't need to go fast, first gear will do, getting used to the feel is all you want. Sounds like the stall and fall was because you were still a little shook up from the skid, common with new riders, you will get over it with more saddle time. Keep at it, it gets better ;D

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by babbalou on 06/17/06 at 20:04:47

For me, gravel is always an unknown variable. I mean, sometimes it's visible, sometimes it's not, some kinds are slippery, others not as much. I've slid on it a few times over the years when I didn't see it. Just like a car, it's good to countersteer when the rear breaks loose to keep it upright until you get traction & straighten it out. I always look for gravel in a turn & sometimes I see it, sometimes I "find" it. Probably goes back to my bicycle days when I wiped out hard in a turn; gravel & front brake. Glad you got through the day safely. The first times are the scariest.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Steve530 on 06/17/06 at 20:23:58


Sounds like you handled the loose gravel situation.  Dropping the bike behind a blind hill does sound dangerous.  I never even thought about that.  

I had a bit of a scare today, too. On a two lane, rural road, I went around a curve and started up a hill.  Then I see a van Coming toward me in the other lane.  Actually the van was about 3 feet into my lane and headed directly toward me.  The guy driving the van was talking on a cell phone,  not paying attention, and let the van wander.  I have to say that scared me enough to get my heart racing.


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by steelwolf on 06/17/06 at 20:50:54

Ok everybody else has told you how to handle the gravel/sand. How bout that left turn you were making? I usually/almost always go past my turn and come back when I have to make a naked left. Hills and curves just complicate an already dangerous situation. On those naked lefts you are just that, naked. No protection what so ever. Just you hanging out in the middle of the lane with traffic comming from both directions. Maybe they'll see you, maybe they won't. One time of brakes squealing and looking in the mirror to see that 6000 pound SUV sliding up to your rear fender and you will never want to make that turn again. that would most definatly be the wrong time to stall and drop. This is also a very good reason to keep your bike in 1st gear at stop lights and stop signs. I never go to neutral. The split second that it takes me to jam it in gear maybe the split second that gets me out of harm's way. Glad you were not injured and the bike was unscathed. :)

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by sluggo on 06/17/06 at 21:08:23

every ride is a lesson, hopefully a good one.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by divecop on 06/17/06 at 23:27:36


So glad you were not hurt and neither was your bike...those blind turns are bad...I also will go past and turn around and come back to that street.  You were very lucky and I am glad your guardian angel was watching over you... 8)

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Jagndeke on 06/18/06 at 03:34:17

steelwolf wrote:
How bout that left turn you were making? I usually/almost always go past my turn and come back when I have to make a naked left.

Good suggestion / recommendation. Just popped that one in my back pocket for future reference.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by GaThumper on 06/18/06 at 05:18:07

If you don't do this already, you can use your rear brake to hold your bike on a hill while you get your RPMs up and start letting out the clutch.  If you realize you're in a higher gear, just squeeze the clutch and kick it down into first gear while still using the rear brake to hold the bike on the hill.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/18/06 at 05:58:03

that was what i was trying to do, foot on the right side of the bike on the brake, and turnig the bike left, got too much lean and she just went down........

I appreciate all the kind words that were positive and encouraging and the tips...

I know I still have alot to learn and in the future I will go past the turn and turn around safely.

Its amazing how different the landscape of the road is; i was just at this location earlier in my toyota4runner then left to pick up my daughter and returned to the meeting on the bike. You just dont notice the incline as much.

My husband took my bike out this am (he picks up is HD l200) at the end of the week, we went out into the hilly neighboorhoods and did alot of practice of just this type of situation, I think it make him think of how much heavier his bike is gonna be and how much he does not want to be in this situation.  too boot we found out early this am that one of our friends 42yr old died last nite of a heart attack, heavy smoker and drinker all his life, never exercised ever.

its scared him that this happened to me, he told me never to do that again!!!!!  I told him I would try not too, we have two kids to raise.....8-l51/2.

Hey have a great fathers day to you all!

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by steelwolf on 06/18/06 at 07:19:41

Wow. I just re-read my last post and I want to appoligize if I came off as an @ss. I wasn't trying to preach. I truely am glad you are ok and that should have been the priority of the post but I was really just trying to help you prevent such situations in the future.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Lion on 06/18/06 at 08:12:27

I think we all want to hear stories ending well. As a newbie too I feel with you and I am happy you were lucky.
I had almost the same story once when I was a child except it happened on a bicycle. I could hardly wake up after falling off it. The most fearful in it was being behind the peak alone and waiting what will overrun me.

Glad you and the bike are OK.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Island_Biker on 06/18/06 at 08:26:37

I'm coming in late, and have nothing to add except glad you're OK.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/18/06 at 09:00:15

steelwolf its totally fine, I didnt feel anything bad about your post.  I appreciate all the tips that anyone can share with me.

I totally didnt take it badly at all........

thanks again......and Yes im glad im ok and I will take advantage of all stratigies that will keep me safer even if it take longer to get there..............


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by olscout99 on 06/18/06 at 10:46:01

Just to add a little to Steelwolf's 'naked left' post.....just a couple days ago here, a guy riding a new Harley got killed waiting to make a left from a busy highway onto a county road at a traffic signal. He did absolutely nothing wrong, but the 20 year old kid who was 'tired' and 'might have fallen asleep' at 4:30PM driving the Suburban who rear ended him at 55 mph did. I got to read the police report, and it talked about how the guy got pushed across the intersection on the bike with his arms waving in the air, til he got shoved under another SUV waiting across the intersection.....pretty bone chilling if you ride and can imagine yourself in that spot  :'(

Steelwolf's post made me think....the next road from there is a mile North, but it has a left turn lane (which to my thinking is a lot less chancy to have somebody rearend you at highway speeds than a traveling lane). A matter of a couple minutes detour could have saved this guy's life. Definitely something I'm going to consider from now on!

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by babbalou on 06/18/06 at 11:17:32

That's another situation that can be a little scary, waiting to make a left turn on the highway with 70 mph traffic flying past, 3 feet from your right mirror. Or, just waiting for the light to turn green & a truck is coming up behind you quickly. I flicker my brake lights, keep it in first gear & scan the intersection for a way out in case the cager doesn't plan on stopping. One of my co-workers got his subcompact Nissan rearended by a Dodge Ram 1500 driver while waiting for a green light. The driver admitted to being alseep & walked away unharmed (but got sued) My friend woke up in the hospital with a badly screwed up spine. A dozen surgurys later he can limp around without a cane now at age 29. Well, to end this on a good note, hey! It's summer! Ride safe.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by mornhm on 06/18/06 at 14:55:27

Glad you're OK. Might I suggest a riding course or maybe some reading to get your mind in the right place for riding if you keep having scary moments.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Dynobob on 06/18/06 at 18:03:45

Glad you're ok mom. One problem I see is that you might not have been in first. You need to be sure you're in first before taking off on a hill like that.

As you're slowing for a stop downshift, downshift, downshift - until you have no more gears. Just down, down, down on the shift lever.

I also check my shifter (sometimes several times) to make sure I'm in first while waiting for a light or when stopped. Switch from holding the bike with the rear footbrake to holding it with the front brake if you have to. Jab the shifter down a time or two. Switch back to the footbrake before taking off.

You have other things to worry about on a hill. Balancing the bike and holding it with the footbrake is plenty to attend to. Make sure you're in first (preferably before you reach the stop).

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by DianeS. on 06/18/06 at 19:14:24

Sue - glad you are ok.

My only scary moment thus far, was when a traffic light turned yellow and when I hit the brakes to stop - the rear wheel started going out to the left - so I let go of the brakes and just rode through on the yellow.  

I have brand new tires on now - not the 6 year old original ones, so hopefully that won't happen again.  Plus, each day I ride I get more and more practice.

Another thing I always try to do - is look for hazards on the route whenever I'm in the car.  Sometimes, I've spotted a bunch of gravel in an intersection, that normally isn't there and I think "Ok, won't take that road on the bike...".

Oh, and I downshift to 1st gear before coming to any stop - since my bike is harder to put into 1st once I've stopped.  If I'm not sure - I push down to see if I'm all the way down, or pop up to see the "neutral light" and then shift down.  

I fell over on a bike during my MSC course, and the instructor told me it looked like the bike was in 2nd gear as I took off from a stop.  I was sure I had shifted to 1st - but when I took off, the bike stalled and I just fell over - couldn't stop from falling.  Anyway, haven't done that since.

Take care!

Diane S

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/18/06 at 20:34:33

Mornhm: I took private lessons with a woman that has been teaching the motorcycle saftey course for 20 yrs. and had to take the normal road test but did totally fine.

We did all the exercises that those who take the course do.  only thing is it was all in a flat parking lot like when you take the course.

This was the scariest moment in l30 miles. Overall I do very well on the bike.  The usual silly beginner stuff but I have excellant balance, and was a mountain biker for years.

I have spent time in the hilly neighboorhoods practicing just this manuever, yes i was not in first gear HUGE ERROR! I have now learned.

Diane: I do the same all the time, when I get to a light if im not sure what gear im in I shift down and down and see the netural and go one more down and it is more troublesome if you are stopped.

Its kinda like nursing school they teach you things, how to do things , but its quite different in the hospital setting doing the same things on real people that will be uncoorperative and fuss.  you have to apply basic skills and develop them for the real world.

besides my sore shoulder (injury and surgery 2 yrs ago, still have torn stuff  in there) that i aggravated picking up the bike in a hurry and my lower back that has been sore anyway more sore also from picking up the bike. nothing is gonna stop me from jumping on it and going!
(except rush hour traffic/rain if i can avoid it)  I have to spend more quiet neighboorhood time too with uphill start practice.

Thank you to all of you for your interest and wonderful suggestions and constructive ideas.


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by GA_Wolf on 06/19/06 at 06:31:03

I'm glad you are ok...I know alot of people like to hold themselves on a hill with their rear brake, but personally, it has always meade me uncomfortable having a foot up especially if I'm making an imediate turn.  Instead I hold my front brale wir one or two fingers..just enough to prevent roll back and then use the friction zone to hold the bike too and prepare for the start.  Once you are in the friction zone you can actually relase the brake or hold it just hard enough till you get the bike mving via sheer torque. i usually release the brake once the engine and clutch are engaged enough to hold it.

Like so many others have said, things like this happen..shake it off and take the lesson away from the situation....we are all glad you are ok!

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by mornhm on 06/19/06 at 06:55:29


This is one gripe (OK just a wish) that I have with the MSF courses: they don't mention what to do when starting up on hills. Of course the first place I went after I took the course was a place that required me to make a sharp right hand turn up a hill. Granted it's a little hill - I live in Illinois :) but I remember thinking at the time, that this was something that should have been covered in the beginner's course. If I didn't have quite a bit of behind the wheel time in manual transmission cages I would have been in trouble right off the bat.

However, what I was referring to was a state of mind that some people seem to find themselves in that causes them to be constantly having "scary" or unpleasant moments. You've probably talked to them or read their posts. When I had three scary moments in a week, I got to thinking that it was a bad thing and did some reading (Proficient Motorcycling, More Proficient Motorcycling) and determined to take the experienced rider course this spring. I think these two things really improved my state of mind and how I looked at other vehicles and road situations. Haven't had a "scary" moment since. Yeah, people still pull out in front of me, yeah, sometimes I come up on intersections that are covered with spilled gravel or oil, or broken glass (the latest), things happen, but I'm already reacting before anything bad happens, so nothing does. I credit the books I've read, the ER course and a determination to keep the rubber side down. I'm thinking now that next I may take a couple of track days, I don't know that they'll help me think my way through street situations, but they might give me some additional skills.

starmom wrote:
We did all the exercises that those who take the course do.  only thing is it was all in a flat parking lot like when you take the course.

I have spent time in the hilly neighboorhoods practicing just this manuever, yes i was not in first gear HUGE ERROR! I have now learned.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by azjay on 06/19/06 at 08:17:50

we are certainly glad your thrilling moments ended well. as you have observed, beginner errors, debby did the same thing, coming to a stop NOT in first gear. she only did it a couple of times, and has gotten past it, you will too. we all develop our habits that are comfortable for us; at a stop, i normally roll to it in 1st gear having down shifted with the down,down,down,down, no more down method, i dont even try to count gears or look for nuetral lites as it adds distraction to what you're already doing. while stopped, an anticipated short time (left turn) i'll put left foot down hold rear brake throttle ready to respond. a longer stop (traffic light) both feet down, left foot up double check 1st gear (push down,no lite check) left foot down, right foot up hold rear brake throttle ready, when the green lite appears i count 1,2,3 then look both ways before crossing, which allows any cagers running the light to blast through. on a hill, i typically hold with the rear brake, left foot down throttle ready. with more saddle time, you'll figure out what works for you, we intend to put debby through the experienced rider course after 3000 miles of saddle time, to see if she has developed any bad habits. road hazards can sometimes be seen, sometimes not, dont panic or overreact i think is the rule there, it sounds as though you did fine. more saddle time is the best school/cure ;D

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by olscout99 on 06/19/06 at 08:44:15

Had some time to kill Saturday when we were out of town for a wedding so I figured I'd show the GF where I did the basic course last fall. When we got there, they were running an 'Advanced' course so I stopped and watched for a while. It was almost all Harleys other than one medium size Kawasaki (440-700 or so). I was pretty amazed at how often people put their feet down on the 'figure 8' and maneuvering courses, and how 'jerky' some of them were with their steering and how off on the speed they were trying to maneuver, either too slow or too fast. I guess I expected more from people that had been riding for 3,000 miles or so, but then again if all the riding had been in a straight line.... I need to find a big ol parking lot and practice that stuff I learned in the BRC so I don't lose it!

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by Savage Librarian on 06/19/06 at 13:29:47

Glad to hear you came out of it more or less without damage!

One of the scariest moments I've had was when someone had decided to replace the road with hard packed sand just past a turn.  Sand looked just like pavement...certainly didn't feel like it!  

Glad to hear your ok, and learning from mistakes!  Now if the rest of us could just manage to follow your example and learn from all the stoopid things we do ourselves. ;) (or at least that I do)

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by vroom1776 on 06/19/06 at 15:37:53

olscout99 wrote:
but then again if all the riding had been in a straight line.... I need to find a big ol parking lot and practice that stuff I learned in the BRC so I don't lose it!

Glad to hear everything ended up okay.

I will make one suggestion for all beginning riders: find a parking lot and  practice practice practice.  Then find a parking  lot with a good slope and practice practice practice.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/19/06 at 16:56:40

geez, you all rock!

Its like being home with my family here......

Thanks for caring...


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/23/06 at 16:17:22

Have been working alot this week, got back in the saddle today, after picking up hubbys sportster.

He knew of a nice empty parking lot and we went and played around with manuevers and then went out and did around 30 miles together.

no scarey moments........

great ride.............

of course HIS toy is much louder and a bit faster than mine but the fastest im gonna need to go it 60 and my suzi can do that and more if i need her too.....

was fun

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by LS650RJM on 06/23/06 at 19:21:44

Glad you are ok.

I had one the other day on a left turn as well. I still get nervous thinking about it. It was a simple slow left turn into a driveway. I did not see the gravel and as I started up the incline of the driveway my rear wheel slipped out from under me.

Fortunately, the only damage to the bike is the left peg. My jacket protected me but I still had a few scratches and tore my pants. I am still sore. I was about 50 miles from home heading to work and felt like an idiot.  Had to buy new pants to go to work.

Every time I think about it I get a bad feeling and wonder if I should be driving. Kids and all. I am very careful but realize that it could have been much worse and in the blink of an eye.

Guess I will continue to practice and try to be even more careful.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by lancer on 06/23/06 at 20:03:51

Thankfully you are OK, but we sure need to remember the dangers out there.  I have had many close calls, on a bike and while in a car/truck ... or while flying for that matter ... and it is only by the Grace of God that I am still here on this earth and breathing air.   For some reason He still wants me around.  With my brothers unexpected death just 13 days ago, the realities of life were thrust right in my face once again.  It makes one to consider priorities in life.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/24/06 at 02:39:20

before i got back on the bike yesterday, i had driven with my truck on the same road i dumped my bike and a wave of fear ran thru me as i thought about what could have happened if a car was comming, on the other other hand i also chalk it up to a lesson learned.

yes i have kids 2, daughters 8,l5, and I want to be around for them.  I also remind myself there are LOTS of people that have been ridin motorcycles forever!  and that accidents that kill can happen with cars too....even big suv's.

So all we can do it drive our bikes with the proper gear, sober, and not think we are invincible, but think of ourselves as invisable and slow down if we are not sure of someones actions up ahead and try to be prepared to get out of the way or stop if necessary.

I also carry my talilsmans (bear claw,herkimer diamond, etc) with me wherever I go including on my bike for hopefully luck!  and dont forget the small bell on the bike somewhere to keep those "gremlins away"


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by steelwolf on 06/24/06 at 05:27:58

Invisable, not invincible. I like that. Exactly the way you have to think.

I have also heard it put it like this, "The cagers are not looking at you. They are either looking thru you, or taking aim."
How true, how true.

Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by starmom on 06/24/06 at 18:47:13

sorry about the crappy spelling, not my forte!

but thanks for agreeing.........

If we are not careful and protect ourselves we would have less nice people to talk to here..


Title: Re: I had two scarey moments today...
Post by DianeS. on 06/24/06 at 19:04:01

I am thankful that the previous owner put a jardine muffler on my bike -because people should hear me!!!

Other than that - I try to anticipate not being seen, and I try to keep a distance from other cars when I can.  I ride more rural roads, so there are less cars, but I also have to watch out for more animals, or roadkill.

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