General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> More muffler muddles

Message started by Salad_Shaker on 03/04/06 at 11:39:08

Title: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/04/06 at 11:39:08

Been running The Lettuce stock since I bought it last July. Even in stock form it'll run all day, hey that's a big exaggeration - I can't run all day, well what I mean is it'll run for as long as I ask it at 120kph/75mph and'll give more if I ask of it, up to 140kph/87mph max.  At that speed it don't feel comfortable and nither do I.

However, I'm seriously considering doing the now standard performance mods: K&N, half white spacer, 152.5 main jet and a new "silencer" -that's what they call 'em where I come from but I should say muffler for all you "colonials"friends...

And there lies the question.  I'm on a strict budget so a new Supertrapp/MAC/Jardine look to be way out of reach, whereas running a quick  Harley pipe search on eBay (UK/US/Spain) threw up some remarkably cheap alternatives:
a pair of 883 Sportster mufflers for $35 second-hand but cheaper still a new "Short" (16") Sportster muffler advertised as a straight slip-on fit for the Savage for a Buy-it-now price of $29 and a "Universal Harley 1.75" Shorty (11.75" long) new for just $18.95 Buy-it-now at J&J Power Sports.

Whilst build quality at that price might be dubious, it looks hard to resist.  After all the talk of engine blow ups, con-rod failures and the like I'm getting nervous that too little back-pressure that I assume a super-short pipe would give might not be such a good thing.

What opinions are there out there on stumpy pipes vs the more conventional Sportster OEM mufflers?

Rained all day today so zero miles on The Lettuce.  Shame.  Only ride in rain if I have to.  Didn't have to today so stayed home.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/04/06 at 11:57:50

BTW search function match as phrase gave zero results for "short muffler" so I felt justified in starting yet another muffler thread.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Steve530 on 03/04/06 at 14:51:54

I went down to the local Harley shop and bought a good used Dyna muffler for $20.  I assume most people in the US  do the same or buy one off ebay.  Not much point going with a substitute at that price.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/04/06 at 19:55:41

Salad_Shaker wrote:
BTW search function match as phrase gave zero results for "short muffler" so I felt justified in starting yet another muffler thread.

Try shorty muffler and match all words.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by lancer on 03/04/06 at 22:33:19

Frankly, I don't see any connection between the 2 recently discussed failures and the standard carb/muffler mod's.  So be at peace with the mod's, jet and tune properly and have fun riding a better running motorcycle.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/05/06 at 07:03:28

Steve, my local Harley dealership was 90km away and just closed down!  Here in Spain Harelys are an expensive rarity so picking up for a song someone's cast-off OEM mufflers isn't an option.  If ever I was in Mérida I used to take a peep through the window at Milwaulkee's finest but otherwise I almost never see one.  Bike meets, "concentaciones" as they're known don't attract many Hog riders, indeed the custom/cruiser style is generally not admired so much while everyoe else is worshipping at the altar of speed and sportsbikes.  

Lancer, your reassurance is comforting.  Someone else, can't remeber whom, described your Savage as a rolling test bed so if you can't blow the motor, then me following a tried and tested fromula isn't likely to do much harm now is it.

Rob.  I ran "shorty muffler" through the search options and it offered a useful thread titled "Noise" but had to set the days function to 10000 or something to find it.  Thanks for the good tip.  That's the trouble with almost speaking English - the typical argot phrases, in-crowd jargon if you like, have to be learned the hard way.   ???

Meanwhile, sun's out so lets give that motor some work to do....

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Steve530 on 03/05/06 at 07:14:56


Sorry, I guess my reply was too concise.  The point I was making is that we have a lot of options here in the US, so we wouldn't be tempted to explore the "shorty" option.  So you're not going to find much in the way of info about the "shorty".


Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/05/06 at 07:36:24

Actually, the real reason the "shorty" attracts me is that given the shortage of options and the fact that I'll have to get something sent here from your side of the pond a "shorty" weighs in at half the others so will have a much lower shipping cost.  I'm sure that's the wrong logic to make a performance orientated decision on but when money's too tight to mention its surprising what we peruade oureselves is really important.  El Señor Dinero es poderoso caballero....

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/05/06 at 09:38:34

Hi Salad_Shacker!!!

Are you asking about mufflers for your Savage, isn't it?
Well, I put a Sporty muffler on my '00 four days ago.
The sound is much better than the stock muffler and I'm considering to do the standard performance mods too.

I buy the muffler on eBay. The seller sends it from USA to Spain and it cost 60$ including shipping cost...

Greetings from Spain  8)

P.D: si necesitas algo mandame un privado y hablamos. V'ssss

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/05/06 at 13:17:42

Salad_Shaker wrote:
That's the trouble with almost speaking English - the typical argot phrases, in-crowd jargon if you like, have to be learned the hard way.

I guess I hadn't realized it wasn't your native tongue.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 00:32:45

Oops, a small dose of English irony gone amiss here - American English isn't my native tongue!

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 00:56:37

Oye, Bryner ¿Dónde estás?

Ráfagas. ;D

For any non-Hispanics reading this that's merely"Where are you?  And "V's" and "Ráfagas" are biker greetings.  The V's are easy to understand - it's the two fingered on the road salute we wave as we pass each other.  Meanwhile the "ráfagas" I've never quite sussed as literally it means "gusts of wind" but has somehow come to be a biker greeting.  Beats me. ???

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 00:58:02

Hey, what happened to my typing?  That's supposed to say RAFAGAS with no asterisks or other extraneous marks.  Wierd.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 00:59:30

What's going on here? I just want some letters and I get breaks and stars.  Let's try again. R A F A G A S.

Am I doing something wrong?

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 01:00:00

That's better!

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by lancer on 03/06/06 at 03:29:50

It seems the word filter is attacking you.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bob on 03/06/06 at 07:43:01

Hah. The word filter got you. In the middle of your word is F A G. In English that's another word for homosexual. If you use bad words like petc0ck the word filter will edit it for you  ;)

As for mufflers. Run any one you want. Short, long, it doesn't matter. Just make sure you get the jetting right. Too lean will be harmful.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 07:56:28

f*g only means homosexual in US English. To the utter amazement of our American friends here, in UK English f*g is slang for cigarette and for the tail-end of anything about to die out, as in "f*g end of the lease" meaning its final years, or "fagged out" to mean very tired.  For the English it has no sexual connotations at all.  

What I didn't realise was that the PC gurus had worked over the words I'm allowed type on this forum.  Eek! Big Brother is reading me.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 08:02:39

Meanwhile, back on the real subject of the thread, if I read you rightly, making the change of muffler without changing the jetting is a bad idea.  I had wondered about muffler + K&N as a first stage (easy-peasy wrenching) giving more air in and more air ou, then working on the carb when I get a bit braver.  That would inded mean a leaner mix of more air with the same amount of fuel.  So is it the whole lot at once or nothing at all?

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/06/06 at 08:06:09

It can be funny.  It doesn't like b1tch (and changes it to pregnant dog) nor sp00n (which it transmutes to spoon).  If it sees c0ck, p00n, and similar subsets of other words, it changes them to "thingy".

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/06/06 at 08:14:17

Salad_Shaker wrote:
Meanwhile, back on the real subject of the thread, if I read you rightly, making the change of muffler without changing the jetting is a bad idea.  I had wondered about muffler + K&N as a first stage (easy-peasy wrenching) giving more air in and more air ou, then working on the carb when I get a bit braver.  That would inded mean a leaner mix of more air with the same amount of fuel.  So is it the whole lot at once or nothing at all?

It's already very lean to begin with, so it's not a great idea to make it leaner.  Changing only the air filter and leaving the stock exhaust will retain the muffler bottleneck and would have minimal effect.  Personally, I would do the idle mixture first, then the white spacer mod and air filter change, followed by the exhaust change and rejet (along with a readjustment of the idle mixture at the time of the exhaust change).

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 09:13:10

Duh, forgive my innocent ignorance but what's up with "spoon"?

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 09:13:55

Er, S P O O N?

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by SAMM on 03/06/06 at 10:14:07

Funny how this web site cleans up potty mouth !!  ;D
Or what it thinks is potty mouth...

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/06/06 at 10:21:00

Salad_Shaker wrote:
Er, S P O O N?

It doesn't like p00n... as in p00ntang.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/06/06 at 10:33:29

All Greek to me - until I googled and found

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/06/06 at 17:56:26

A las güenas Salad-Shacker!!!

Yo estoy en Valencia. Oye tengo un problema. He instalao la cola de escape de la Sportster que me mandaron de los USA, pero no consigo que la union con el tubo sea la idonea y sale un poco de aire por ahi... y además viniendo esta noche al trabajo me salian unas llamas azules al reducir que daban miedo  :o
A ver si tu que controlas bien el ingles le preguntas a esta gente a ver si alguien me ayuda  ;D

Hi people... I'm asking Salad-Shacker for a problem with my Sportster muffler because I don't know how to write this in english very well.
If he wants to make me the favour of translate me, can you help me?
Thanks for all...

Greetings from Spain  8)

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/06/06 at 20:35:08

Sometimes Babelfish can be amusing:

To the güenas Salad-Shacker! I am in Valencia. He hears I have a problem. There am instalao the tail of escape of the Sportster that sent me of the USA, but not with himself that the union with the tube is the idonea and leaves a little air by ahi... and in addition coming tonight to the work blue flames when reducing salian to me that they gave Shocked fear to see if your that you control ingles well him questions to this people to see if somebody helps me

It sounds like he needs to use a gasket (or some sealant) at the header to muffler joint as well as tuning the carburetor.


Suena como él necesita utilizar una junta (o un poco de sellante) en el jefe al empalme del silenciador así como templar el carburador.

I hope the translation was decent.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/06/06 at 21:53:53

Thanks Savage_Rob!!!  :D

I'm sure that the problem with the joint is the gasket (or I hope this  :-[)
What kind or sealant can I use for these temperatures?

Do you think if I change the main jet to a 152.5 and put half spacer it can run better? I want to change air filter but here in Spain is veru difficult to find a K&N...

Sorry if there are a lot of questions.

Thanks for all and greetings from Spain  8)

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Dynobob on 03/06/06 at 22:32:06

Bryner wrote:
I'm sure that the problem with the joint is the gasket (or I hope this  :-[)
What kind or sealant can I use for these temperatures?

Hola Bryner. Que pasa ? ;D

Exhaust sealant:

I used this between my muffler and header and it has been good for a year so far.

Do you think if I change the main jet to a 152.5 and put half spacer it can run better?

Much better. Check your main jet size though. Your Euro model may be different than our US models <--- Somebody may need to translate this.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/07/06 at 07:33:23

I' going to check the main jet size soon...

Another question? Do I only change main jet and put half spacer or I have to change other things of the carburator?
Do the bike run well if I don't change air filter? Here is very difficult to find a K&N for the Savage...

I read many posts of people who don't upgrade to a K&N because dirt particles can go trought it... what can I do to upgrade air flow withot changing OEM filter?

Thaks for all friends!!!

Greetings from Spain 8)

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Dynobob on 03/07/06 at 07:54:52

Bryner wrote:
Another question? Do I only change main jet and put half spacer or I have to change other things of the carburator?

That's it. You also need to remove the little cap over the slow mixture screw so you can adjust that richer.

Do the bike run well if I don't change air filter?

Yes it will run very well without a K&N.

I read many posts of people who don't upgrade to a K&N because dirt particles can go trought it... what can I do to upgrade air flow withot changing OEM filter?

You can remove the factory snorkel. This will give you more airflow. If you want more flow drill some holes in your filter housing (outside the filter ;) )

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/07/06 at 13:28:27

Confirmed by my local Suzuki dealership.

I have a 125 main jet on my '00, but they don't have any 152.5. I'm going to find this tomorrow to a motorbike parts dealer here in Valencia.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Dynobob on 03/07/06 at 20:34:34

Bryner wrote:
Confirmed by my local Suzuki dealership.

I have a 125 main jet on my '00, but they don't have any 152.5. I'm going to find this tomorrow to a motorbike parts dealer here in Valencia.

The US and Canada Savages here are increasing their main jet 3 sizes for the Sportster muffler. Example: 145 -> 152.5

If you really have a 125 (and not a 145), you don't want to go all the way to 152.5.

FYI jet sizes run in 2.5 increments.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Bryner on 03/07/06 at 21:35:29

OK. It seems that my Euro '00 Savage is similar than CA model.

I'm looking to change needle, needle jet and piloto jet to the '00 USA model.

I take the references in a post in technical corner.

But first of all I'll try with a 132.5 main jet.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by thumperclone on 03/08/06 at 04:23:31

i did the h.d. muff on my 06.had the muff shop me an adaptor 1.75 i.d. 10 deg kick 1.75 o.d had to slit the head pipe end of the adapter added hi temp permatex and  it works fine..tried the muff without the kick out and my brake lever was gettin too sooty..
bought and installed the dynojet kit..with this kit the white spacer is left stock,and the neddle is replaced with an adjustable one, used the next to the largest jet provided ,there numbers and jet style are different than stock.drill bit and screw is provided for mix screw cap, i had done this mod already using a framing screw for metal studs worked great...

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Salad_Shaker on 03/08/06 at 06:29:53

Bryner, you're doing fine understanding the inglés.

Seems Steve530 was right all along.  The old HD dealer is still in business as an agent for Hyosung.  The cast-off parts bin yielded a pair of Dyna mufflers, a Sportster pipe and a pair of slash-cut shorties.  He wanted 100€ ($120) for one Dyna because, and I quote, "I make 30€ a time renting out this pipe to HD owners putting their bikes through the annual ITV vehicle test!" So I gave him 20€ for the shorties and we'll see what happens.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by pgolden on 03/09/06 at 08:02:46

I installed a sportster muffler with no adapter, however I have to put muffler goop on the pipe/muffler joint  about every two weeks. I just took the header pipe and muffler off and I am heading to the muffler shop for an adapter. I have been waiting on a rainy day to do this project.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by pgolden on 03/09/06 at 12:42:56

The muffler shop charged me $12.00 for my 10* adapter and a muffler clamp. I posted pictures on bikepics. I need two new hose clamps to install the Chrome cover. I'll get those when I pick up the boys from school in a little while.

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by 911radioman on 03/09/06 at 12:52:29

That is one sharp looking bike!  The red rocks, IMHO!  I have to say that I am really satisfied with the MAC muffler.  I should've just went that way to begin with rather than the Sportster muff.  Oh well, guess ya live and learn... :D  Just managed to make the old lady proud of me for wasting money on the Sportster muffler!

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/09/06 at 13:14:13

Lookin' good!

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by USCG Cremeans on 03/09/06 at 15:18:24

Beautiful bike pgolden!

How's that superbrace working for you?

Title: Re: More muffler muddles
Post by pgolden on 03/09/06 at 17:09:20

Thank's! The Super Brace looks nice but, I have not been on any surface that I could tell any difference in the handling. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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