General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Savage trike

Message started by Les on 02/10/06 at 11:35:43

Title: Savage trike
Post by Les on 02/10/06 at 11:35:43

On e-bay
never have seen this before. :D

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by Reelthing on 02/10/06 at 11:38:13

we've been kicking it around over in the cafe - odd machines

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/10/06 at 11:54:11

Yup, that's the Voyager Add-On (

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by theikeman on 02/10/06 at 20:59:23

Apparently no takers, check the date on the pictures. Starting price is too high and the four bids are all the same 0 newbie bidder ...

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by SirWilhelm on 02/11/06 at 08:31:29

Shoot the trike kit new is $4k, and with the Savage, $3k is way under what you'd expect as minimum. Wonder why they don't sell the two separate?
The add on does look quite odd on the Savage.
I'll bet performance is way down also.
Good idea, but personnally I think it is the wrong bike to put the trike onto. Needs at least 1200cc engine I'd think.

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by Jim_R on 02/11/06 at 10:00:43

not to mention it looks STUPID! hehe.  A boat trailor around a savage heheh

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by diesel on 02/11/06 at 23:12:17

when I could no longer hold up an 800 lb. bike with the SO on board, due to week knees and shoulders, I triked it,problem solved. when I wanted a light solo ride, I went to a show room, straddled a Savage, laid it down on the bars and picked it back up while still straddle it, weak knees and all. now I know I won't drop this sucker at a stop sign so why the he!! would I want to tkike it??? just my .02 cents on this dicussion, diesel.

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by HotFix on 02/15/06 at 13:53:14

It has four wheels not three.  Doesn't really make it a trike.  More like a Savage with training wheels.

Title: Re: Savage trike
Post by diesel on 02/15/06 at 22:10:42

exactly hotfix, why would training wheels be necessary on a 350 lb.+ bike?? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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