General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> lowering

Message started by orrin7 on 01/04/06 at 17:55:49

Title: lowering
Post by orrin7 on 01/04/06 at 17:55:49

has anyone tried lowering a savage or s40 . and if so how

Title: Re: lowering
Post by jrm8486 on 01/04/06 at 18:45:59

I was wondering that myself,When my Seeger front end gets put on, I would like the rear of my bike to be about 2" lower.Not sure but I don't want struts I would like to keep my shocks.

Title: Re: lowering
Post by RadarORiley on 01/04/06 at 19:26:59

Since I guess I'm the shortest rider around, I've inquired into this and can't get any answers. Companies who make lowering kits don't have anything  for a Savage and my bike shop buddy just tells me to buy taller boots. I'm 4'11" with a 26" inseam. It's quite a stretch to get off after riding an hour or two.

Title: Re: lowering
Post by slavy on 01/04/06 at 21:28:17

If You lower it more You will be scraping the bottom every time when You make a turn and there  is a bump on the road. This is the reaso why the bike doesn't have a centerstand.

Title: Re: lowering
Post by necropsy on 01/05/06 at 15:18:40

A friend of mine suggested awhile back, that I could just cut an inch or two out of the coil on the shocks. I myself self am 5'4", and find the S40 a perfect fit. lowering it would be strictly to enhance her looks.

Title: Re: lowering
Post by vroom1776 on 01/06/06 at 08:54:29

Cutting spring steel essentially ruins it.

Basically, there are a few choices, most of them inviolve removing the shocks.  You can make struts for it, but that will wreck the frame b/c the left side where the shock goes is too long and would bend ojn your first bump.  You can hardtail it by welding in some steel between the frame and swingarm.  You can strut it with leafspring, but it will handle like cr@p.  You can buy shorter shocks from progressive.  Or you can find a shorter seat.  Evidently when it is hardtailed, you ned to convert it to a chain drive... not sure why.

Do a search for "hardtail."

My bike has the "shorter seat" option, but the shocks are stock.

Title: Re: lowering
Post by torque on 01/06/06 at 09:02:29

you could try some adjustable air shocks,or make some brackets and put in two air bags,it might look a little weird though ::) but imho i think the bike is too low as it is. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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