General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Muffler Mod

Message started by r80rt on 09/17/05 at 16:01:00

Title: Muffler Mod
Post by r80rt on 09/17/05 at 16:01:00

I couldn't get past the cobbled looks of the Sportster muffler so I worked on the stock one. From the INLET end you can see a perforated plate and about an inch under it is a baffle plate. I used a 12 inch long 1/4 inch drill bit and drilled a dozen holes through both plates. NO mods to the outlet end.  It sounds much deeper than stock now and is a little louder, very close to the sound of the Sportster muffler and it all fits and looks like it should. ;D

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by cards385 on 09/18/05 at 04:34:47

Did it effect the performance or the mpg. Sounds like a good idea.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by r80rt on 09/18/05 at 06:43:07

I don't think it changed the performance at all, I doubt it will help or hurt the mpg. But to me the much better sound is worth the effort.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by cards385 on 09/18/05 at 19:26:52

Did you have to re-jet the carb after drilling the holes?

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by r80rt on 09/19/05 at 03:45:26

I put a bigger 152.5 main jet and went two turns out on the air jet when I bought the bike, they are just too lean from the factory. I don't think you would need to re jet since drilling the baffle plate dosen't really change the flow.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by Jim_R on 09/19/05 at 09:19:05

I got a sportster muffler too.  I got a 157.5 main and 55 pilot.  I liked the sound of it but after awhile I thought what the hay Ill tear out the baffle.  I didnt realize how much of a chore it was.  So I got a hammer and a flat screwdriver and punched hole after hole and got the rear part out.  WHOOPS I forgot it was a beveled shape and it couldnt go out that way and it definitely wasnt going out the front.  Puzzled I asked Torque for some help.  He had a metal pipe and we inserted it in the muffler.  After rammin the pipe onthe ground with the muffler on top it finally popped out.  We defied physics and my god its throaty now.  I can tell a difference in acceleration and def the sound..  I actually passed a neighbor and set off his truck alarm hahaa.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by SavageDude on 09/19/05 at 19:54:11

r80rt wrote:
Yep, that should have been 152.5 on the main jet.

Hey r80rt;

Just 1 stupid question ??? Where did you get your 152.5 main jet from? ;D

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by r80rt on 09/20/05 at 03:38:17

I got the jet from a Dennis Kirk catalog, I have an extra one if you want it.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/20/05 at 05:40:53

SavageDude wrote:
Where did you get your 152.5 main jet from?

I got mine at a local HD dealer for $3 each, though they only had a couple of sizes.

Title: Re: Muffler Mod
Post by SavageDude on 09/20/05 at 09:42:43

r80rt wrote:
I got the jet from a Dennis Kirk catalog, I have an extra one if you want it.

Thanks for the offer :DBut I think I will go to the HD dealer(Savage_Rob's advice :)) 1 block away from my house and check to see if they have any. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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