General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Have you named your bike?

Message started by Savage_Rob on 09/14/05 at 06:00:38

Title: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/14/05 at 06:00:38

Starlifter wrote:
Boats have names, so I was wondering, do most people personalize their bikes with an actual pet name? Most of my friends have named their bikes. I was wondering how many folks in this forum have actually named their bikes, and what these names might be?
My 05 S40 is pearl white and I named her "White Satin" or "Knight" for short based on the old Moody Blues song "Knights in White Satin"....just wondering.

This is Nadine.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Cindi Knox on 09/14/05 at 07:44:15

That darn Savage:

When resurrected, it will be Surly Danseuse.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by WD on 09/14/05 at 08:25:05

Savage: Pokey (have a green car named Gumby)
Intruder: Trudy (but she's working on renaming it)
XT550: S**theap
Vulcan: Chindii (Navajo for the malevolence left behind post-death). Bike has bitten me three times already, had it less than a week and a half.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by slopoke on 09/14/05 at 08:53:44

Mine is named "Coolest"

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by slopoke on 09/14/05 at 08:55:32

Say, Rob, did you apply the decals over top of the Savage emblem?  They look very nice.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/14/05 at 09:22:11

slopoke wrote:
Say, Rob, did you apply the decals over top of the Savage emblem?  They look very nice.

Nope.  Removed the original decals and then applied them.  Then I used rattlecan clearcoat... and thanks!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by bentwheel on 09/14/05 at 10:05:45

I think you all know Black Betty.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by realdeal on 09/14/05 at 12:08:03

I call mine "ham neck"

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by torque on 09/14/05 at 12:43:32


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by alice61 on 09/14/05 at 13:28:42

I have not named it yet.  Is a bike a she or a he? Boats are usually girl names right?
I think I will stay gender neutral since I am riding the thing.   ::)
I'm sure that will get me in trouble :-X

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by alice61 on 09/14/05 at 13:32:24

Well it looks like i need help in posting the pics, this is just as bad as being stranded on the side of the road.  I will have to read that link again. :-/  Well I fixed my self.  Hope I am that lucky if I break down on my bike.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/14/05 at 13:51:50

alice61 wrote:
I have not named it yet.  Is a bike a she or a he? Boats are usually girl names right?
I think I will stay gender neutral since I am riding the thing.   ::)
I'm sure that will get me in trouble :-X

Welcome aboard Alice.  Many of the U.S. Navy's ships carry male names but the vessel is still referred to as if it were female.  I'd say just to pick a name that you feel fits your bike's personality.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by vroom1776 on 09/14/05 at 15:37:48


Actually, it runs great!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Karen627 on 09/14/05 at 17:23:49

I'm not one for naming objects (they don't come when you call them anyway), but I did consider naming my bike.  

I have a black and white cat named Phoebe -- my white S40 with the black saddlebags looks a little like her.  So I thought of calling the bike "Phoebe", but it just didn't feel right for some reason.  

Then a couple of weeks ago "Snoopy" popped into my head.  It looks a little like that too (to me, anyway :D ) -- so now I call it "the Snoopy bike."  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by sluggo on 09/14/05 at 18:30:35


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by HawkEye1967 on 09/14/05 at 18:59:21

Other than wife and kids, my bike is the next True Love.
Wife not only knows this but has accepted it (kinda)
the only real name available would then have to be
Shes's Mine and I love her. 8)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by DavidV on 09/14/05 at 21:11:24

Was thinkin' of Liza, after an ex-girlfriend, but the bike is much warmer and more dependable than she ever was.  There's no whinin' or complainin' from the bike, either.  

Jester might work, considering all the fun I've had.  Not a female name, but I'm willin' to let that slide.  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by gazab44 on 09/15/05 at 04:16:52

Just call mine "IT"  ;D

IT'S running like a bag of ####
IT wants riding off a cliff top and burning
IT'S my baby
IT'S my lover

etc., etc.,

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/15/05 at 06:05:35

Karen627 wrote:
I'm not one for naming objects (they don't come when you call them anyway)...

Neither do any of our cats but they have names.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/15/05 at 06:06:58

HawkEye1967 wrote:
Other than wife and kids, my bike is the next True Love.
Wife not only knows this but has accepted it (kinda)
the only real name available would then have to be
Shes's Mine and I love her. 8)

My wife calls mine my mistress.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 09/15/05 at 08:28:45

But does anyone know why??? ???

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/15/05 at 10:51:39

Oklahoma_Mike wrote:
But does anyone know why??? ???

The second horseman of the apocalypse?

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 09/15/05 at 12:04:36

Savage_Rob wrote:

The second horseman of the apocalypse?

You win a rubber tortila :P

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/15/05 at 13:40:08

Oklahoma_Mike wrote:

You win a rubber tortila :P

Thanks but I'll pass.  I think I tried those.  I think they called 'em low-carb tortillas.  What they should've called 'em was metamucil in a rubber tortilla.  F*** me once, shame on you... F*** me twice, shame on me.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by mornhm on 09/15/05 at 15:58:16

nope  ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by babbalou on 09/15/05 at 16:02:40

I had some names for my bike a few weeks ago when my pilot jet got stuck!  :o After I got it out I went back to calling it my bike. :)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by jrm8486 on 09/15/05 at 18:36:43

Money Pit
Can't seem to stop buying every shiney thing I can find for it! The only problem is that it takes forever to clean.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by SavageDude on 09/15/05 at 19:30:34

Savage_Rob wrote:

My wife calls mine my mistress.

My wife call it "Your 2nd wife". It can always ride her when the 1st wife doesn't ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/16/05 at 03:07:13

Haven't named my Bike, but have always thought Suzuki should've used the tag "Prowler" for the LS650 instead of Savage ... let's face it, a "Savage" it ain't ... Prowler would've fit better with Intruder and Marauder and the LS is a fairly quiet, low-profile boulevard Cruiser ... so IMHO, "Prowler" should've been what the LS650 was called all along 8)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by seehase on 09/16/05 at 04:43:39

Hello  ;D

named my Bike "Else" or Evil its German

I live in Germany

de seehase from Germany                

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 09/16/05 at 05:42:36

Savage_Rob wrote:

Thanks but I'll pass.  I think I tried those.  I think they called 'em low-carb tortillas.  What they should've called 'em was metamucil in a rubber tortilla.  F*** me once, shame on you... F*** me twice, shame on me.


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by vroom1776 on 09/16/05 at 08:12:28

PerrydaSavage wrote:
Haven't named my Bike, but have always thought Suzuki should've used the tag "Prowler" for the LS650 instead of Savage ... let's face it, a "Savage" it ain't ... Prowler would've fit better with Intruder and Marauder and the LS is a fairly quiet, low-profile boulevard Cruiser ... so IMHO, "Prowler" should've been what the LS650 was called all along 8)

Hmmm... I like the name "savage."  The bike is savage... on the rider on a long trip... Anyone who's done 1000 miles in a day on a savage knows what I'm talking about... :)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Cindi Knox on 09/16/05 at 08:14:36

vroom1776 wrote:

Hmmm... I like the name "savage."  The bike is savage... on the rider on a long trip... Anyone who's done 1000 miles in a day on a savage knows what I'm talking about... :)

I hear ya.  That stock saddle is good for the first 100 miles before needing a break.  Then the next 90. Then 80.

By the time I hit Massachusetts, I could sit on it maybe 5 miles before feeling the burn.

The Russell Day-Long, on the other hand, is wonderful.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Greg_650 on 09/17/05 at 09:16:03

vroom1776 wrote:

Actually, it runs great!

Gotta have a sense of humor  ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Greg_650 on 09/17/05 at 09:19:53

I hate to admit to such, but I named this one Punkie.  No reason.  No excuse.  Don't know why.  Maybe I was thinking "spunkie" after she threw me off in 2000....

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by savagethumper on 09/17/05 at 12:52:56

C'mon people!  I thought for sure someone was gonna come up with this name..."La Poderosa".  You know, the bike from the "Motorcycle Diaries" movie.  After I saw that movie I had to call my bike that.  I gonna get a friend who airbrushes, to paint it on the side of the tank.  If any of you haven't seen the movie, rent it.  I'm not a supporter of the two men in the movie, but it was a darn good cycle movie, nonetheless.  I have asked several Hispanic friends of mine what the exact meaning of the word is, but I get different answers from all of them.  In the movie, it means "the Mighty One".  Must be Argentinian.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Ed_L. on 09/17/05 at 13:44:17

I've been calling my Savage the Silver '02 but haven't given it a real name yet. Sometimes it gets call some good names in the garage but none that I'll use in mixed company. I call it the savage when talking about it, not very orignial but works for me.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by janeforbes on 09/19/05 at 09:35:15

Not sure if the image worked, but this is my savage called "Mags", after my beloved, Rotti. :)

You had the icon link listed.  I linked the actual image to display in the post.


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by RadarORiley on 09/19/05 at 09:40:54

Although my husband calls my bike "garage art", I have been know to call her "you little Sumbeach".

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by babbalou on 09/19/05 at 13:36:34

Because my S40 tends to backfire no matter what jetting changes I make, it will now be known as "Le Petomane" after a famous (uh, sort of) Frenchman.  ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/19/05 at 13:45:02

babbalou wrote:
Because my S40 tends to backfire no matter what jetting changes I make, it will now be known as "Le Petomane" after a famous (uh, sort of) Frenchman.  ;D

Heh, had to look that one up.  Joseph Pujol... pretty interesting career choice.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 09/20/05 at 13:43:14

Oklahoma_Mike wrote:
But does anyone know why??? ???

Because of the backfire I have been thinking of changing the name of mine From PESTILENCE to FLATULENCE. :-[

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/20/05 at 14:29:08

[quote author=Oklahoma_Mike link=board=RubberSideDown;num=1126702838;start=25#41 date=09/20/05 at 13:43:14]

Because of the backfire I have been thinking of changing the name of mine From PESTILENCE to FLATULENCE. :-[/quote]
That sounds like Babbalou's.  Google "La Petomane" and you'll see why he named his as he did.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Nick_A_44663 on 09/22/05 at 21:20:57

This is my first post.  Great site, by the way, and I like this thread...  Anyway, I got a brand new S40 as my first bike ever and love it.  I am running it stock until the warranty runs out.  On the subject of the thread I have taken to refering to her as the "Monolith" for obvious reasons.  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/23/05 at 06:08:11

Nick_A_44663 wrote:
This is my first post.  Great site, by the way, and I like this thread...  Anyway, I got a brand new S40 as my first bike ever and love it.  I am running it stock until the warranty runs out.  On the subject of the thread I have taken to refering to her as the "Monolith" for obvious reasons.  

Welcome to the gang!  If you're planning to stay stock for a year, you'll still enjoy the bike but I hope you like backfiring.  Have fun and ride safe!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Dr_D on 09/23/05 at 12:44:04

Named her "Alice".   Its an orange 98 and reminds me of my uncle's old Allis Chalmers tractor. Runs like it too!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Nick_A_44663 on 09/23/05 at 19:00:22

Savage_Rob wrote:

Welcome to the gang!  If you're planning to stay stock for a year, you'll still enjoy the bike but I hope you like backfiring.  Have fun and ride safe!

Adds character, right?  I don't mind it so much and with everything I've read it seems like my altitude helps it not be so bad (4,300MSL).  It only gets bad with closing the throttle at high rpms in gear.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Chench53 on 09/24/05 at 04:41:41

My 2002 Black Savage is called "Special Ed." He was always a boy, right from the start, and the story of his name goes like this....

ED is in my license plate; he's my first bike, and therefore my learning and starter bike; when I first got him, I bobble-dropped the poor boy several times :o yet nary a scratch on him. :) In a similar bike naming thread on the old forum, a fellow whose screen name is T Tex came up with it after hearing the above details, and I loved it.

I even had a little leather band embossed with his name, and it's across the front of the risers, over my EZPass tag. I ought to take a picture and post it!


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Mr 650 on 09/24/05 at 12:38:10

Would that be the same as calling her name(s) ??!!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Rooky on 09/24/05 at 19:26:22

Hi, thise is my first post. My wife bought me a white S40 and named it Pearl. said somthing about not throwing myself in front of hogs. :)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 09/24/05 at 22:51:56


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Starlifter on 09/25/05 at 12:47:53

"Pearl" as in like throwing pearls before swine, as in stay out of the way of Harley Hogs! hehe VERY good play on words, and a VARY nice name for your bike.
                                   *Starlifter on "White Satin".
(As from: "Knights in White Satin" by the "Moody Blues.")  LOVE these pearl colored bikes. I see they do not offer this color in the 2006 S40 Boulevard lineup.  :D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Bryner on 09/28/05 at 15:49:04

savagethumper wrote:
C'mon people!  I thought for sure someone was gonna come up with this name..."La Poderosa".  You know, the bike from the "Motorcycle Diaries" movie.  After I saw that movie I had to call my bike that.  I gonna get a friend who airbrushes, to paint it on the side of the tank.  If any of you haven't seen the movie, rent it.  I'm not a supporter of the two men in the movie, but it was a darn good cycle movie, nonetheless.  I have asked several Hispanic friends of mine what the exact meaning of the word is, but I get different answers from all of them.  In the movie, it means "the Mighty One".  Must be Argentinian.

Hi from Spain!!!
If anything goes wrong, the next week I ride my "new" Savage '00 (because here in Spain Suzuki doesn't sell this bike since 2001).
When I have good pics and a good name for the bike I told you, I promise  ;)
This is for savagethumper: In spanish "La Poderosa" means "The powerful"

Saludos desde España.


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by lancer on 09/29/05 at 07:09:23

Rooky wrote:
Hi, thise is my first post. My wife bought me a white S40 and named it Pearl. said somthing about not throwing myself in front of hogs. :)


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by pstfatrunt on 09/29/05 at 11:08:56

My Savage i named "Bubba Poti Poti"

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by torque on 09/29/05 at 11:12:09

pstfatrunt wrote:
"Bubba Poti Poti"


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by mpescatori on 10/02/05 at 23:51:12


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Violent_Rage on 10/04/05 at 15:33:38

Daisy Duke!


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Diane on 10/04/05 at 20:18:14

Well, I bought mine during my "midlife crisis" and struggled for a while to come up with a good name for her.  Then I remembered the parking lot scene from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and named her TOWANDA

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Kropatchek on 10/05/05 at 02:08:14

Called my bike "Vla"
That's dutch for the yellow colored yougurt that you eat as a desert, or as the English people call it "custart" I think.

Kropatchek ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Lotzbub on 10/07/05 at 12:55:40

i am steven from germany

no name bike ore one and only


more pics  ???  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Tammi on 10/07/05 at 12:58:34

Like sluggo, I've just named my bike "Thumper."

And alice61, if you don't want to give your bike a name that IDs it as being either male or female, you could always just call it "Pat."

Cheers. Tammi.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by torque on 10/07/05 at 13:52:28

Damm,lotzbub! thats the best looking savage ive ever seen :o i believe u get the "bobber title" ;)

That has to be at least a 200mm rear tire!


Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 10/07/05 at 17:48:25

That fatty rear tire does look nice.  I like the headlight too.  Is it from a Marauder?

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Lotzbub on 10/11/05 at 11:41:44


sorry my english is verry bad  ;D

The headlamp is from a french car " citroen 2 cv charleston" name  in germany " duck"

The wheel 7 " (nirosta V2A) with  200er tire

everithing is handmade by myself


p.s. exthaus,fender,frontcover,rearcover(shockabsorber)
and seat is handmade

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Lucy on 10/11/05 at 12:31:14

Hi folks,
well, the name of my bike is very simple  ;D
*blacklady* for the actual one
(she is black  ;D ;))
and the new (used) one, which will substitute blacklady in spring ... well LA ROSSA (italian for the red one) ....
immagine why  ... ;D ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Violent_Rage on 10/11/05 at 15:05:55

Hi steven! Very Nice Bike!!!  :D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage_Rob on 10/12/05 at 05:53:20

Welcome Lucy!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by HawkEye1967 on 06/25/06 at 13:36:16

Hey a long time ago I responded that I called my bike the mistress, but for the last little while I have changed her name,  My friend bought himself a ultraglide, and talks about joining HOG,  I told him that I don't have a HOG but just a little piglet, and it stuck, and I like it so from now on, my Mistress is just a little bit of a pig.
(That has possibility's ;D)  so now I just call her piglet.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by divecop on 06/25/06 at 14:31:20

I call my bike "Red"... 8)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Brewbrother on 06/25/06 at 15:17:40

Lotzbub wrote:
i am steven from germany

no name bike ore one and only


very nice pics.

more pics  ???  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Brewbrother on 06/25/06 at 15:18:40

No real name, although I refer to it as a bike.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by starmom on 06/25/06 at 15:51:19
trying to add a picture of my "delilah"

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Banger on 06/25/06 at 16:04:14

Zook. And she's definitely female.

No pictures...darn it. This will be rectified shortly I hope.

The front wheel/brake combo on that Violent Rage's "Daisy Duke" bike is phenomenal. Wouldn't mind just having the brake and keeping my stock front wheel. (See the "Sluggo's Table" thread over at the 21, I think?)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by lancer on 06/25/06 at 18:06:19

I have never given it much thought about naming my bike, but with the events in my life of this past month I feel like I would like to give it a name now.  My brother's name was Dwight Rex Eslick, so to honor him I am naming it Rex .

He loved to ride too, though it has been several years since he had a bike to ride.  He had an 80's big twin HD before, but I am not sure of the model.  At his funeral there was a guy who came forward to view his body.  He took out a picture and placed it in Dwight's shirt pocket ... it was the picture of his bike ... this guy was the one who Dwight sold his bike to, and this guy wanted Dwight to have the picture to take with him... so to speak.  

Anyway, I thought it was a nice gesture.  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Lion on 06/26/06 at 02:18:29

My bike's artistic name is Red Phoenix. But I just call it "the bike" in Hungarian  ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by GA_Wolf on 06/26/06 at 07:16:09

Mine is name Suki and my wife's is Sarah...

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Island_Biker on 06/26/06 at 10:43:25

Never been one for naming vehicles, so I don't have a name for her.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by vroom1776 on 06/26/06 at 11:44:03

evidently I've renamed mine to "Bloody Mary," but P.O.S. is still apllicable:

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by 911radioman on 06/26/06 at 17:05:50

Either b**ch or son-of-a-b**ch, depending on what mood I'm in and what the bike is behaving like.  ;D

Seriously, I haven't named mine.  Wouldn't know what to call it if I did!

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by DianeS. on 06/27/06 at 14:23:17

I just think of my bike as my "little savage" as it gets me up the highways etc.  

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Savage Librarian on 06/27/06 at 14:31:17

Mr. Hyde.

Naming my bikes after literary characters is an occupational hazard, I suppose.  My Savage (chopped, bobbed, and hopped) is a bit more evil than my Dr. Jekyl, my relatively respectable C-50 that's dressed out for touring.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by thumperclone on 06/29/06 at 21:18:41

suzi..wife came up with it"you need to put suzi in the stable"

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by mickthelimey on 07/02/06 at 01:03:10

My bike is the biggest one I have ever owned,I love this bike almost as much as my Dog (Missy) however it is not cuddly cute,it has such crisp lines,totally sparten,it looks like it could be German or Nordic,so I named it "Gurtrude",  ich leberdich mien lebling.
               Mick the limey

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by thumperclone on 07/02/06 at 21:07:56

ich leber mein ow ;D

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by Kropatchek on 07/03/06 at 09:21:30

mickthelimey wrote:
"Gurtrude",  ich leberdich mien lebling.
               Mick the limey

In German "Gertrude", ich liebe dich mein liebling.

My LS I named "Vla" because it has the same color as custard, the yellow substance the English make,  throw over their pastry so it tasts like nothing ( or custard if you prefer), yach.

Kropatchek ::)

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by YonuhAdisi on 07/03/06 at 20:58:04

Named my bike "The Firelizard" and once I get it back out of hock and done a few mods she will live up to her name.

Title: Re: Have you named your bike?
Post by luken on 07/04/06 at 07:21:46

GA_Wolf wrote:
Mine is name Suki and my wife's is Sarah...

Suki means "to like" in japanese.  pronounced like ski with a little almost tsu sound on the s. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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