General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Airbox help

Message started by vroom1776 on 08/05/05 at 08:07:07

Title: Airbox help
Post by vroom1776 on 08/05/05 at 08:07:07

Hey folks,

How the heck do you remove the airbox?

I got the battery case out, disconnected all hoses, airbox doors off, the two screws on either side near the top, got all the electrical out of the way,  and removed the ignitor.  Then I tried to remove it.  No luck.  Stuffed a big 1.25" wrench inbetween the frame and the airbox and tried to push the airbox forward.  All I did was bend my wrench.   >:(

Is there another bolt hiding beneath the belt guard? Is it bolted to the frame? The microfiches at bikerbandit, for example, don't show any, but... ???

ALSO, bolting a KN filter right to the carb.  Is it okay to just get anotehr small filter for this, or is it better to run it back into the top of my KN?  I guess that doesn't matter.

many thanks, :)


Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by torque on 08/05/05 at 10:09:40

yeah theres one more bolt behind the belt guard, but its still a b#@ch to get out, even with all the bolts removed!

Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by vroom1776 on 08/05/05 at 10:24:08

Well, as it turns out, I don't wanna remove my shocks (YET) to get he belt guard off, SO, Angle Grinder time! Woo!


Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by Jim_R on 08/05/05 at 10:50:04

Whoa dont grind it !!

Just take off ALL but one of the forward belt guard bolts

that way u can tip the belt guard forward and up to get access to the bolt.

It took me a while too.  ppl forget to write up that bolt
including the cylmer manual.

Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by Savage_Rob on 08/05/05 at 10:53:20

Personally, if I ever put a pod filter on mine and negate the need for the airbox, I'll probably use it for tool storage.

Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by Jim_R on 08/05/05 at 11:00:12

thats a good idea actually.  I was thinking of reinstallin my right side cover but Im not sure.  I know my bike looks hideous without the chrome battery cover (key).
maybe u could tuck a car stereo there and use a remote ;D

Title: Re: Airbox help
Post by vroom1776 on 08/05/05 at 11:41:27

Jim_R wrote:
Whoa dont grind it !!

But I like grinding!

prolly gonna take off the belt guard eventually anyway...

Thanks for the bend tip! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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