General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> new s40 question mods

Message started by Olle Anderson on 08/02/05 at 21:07:38

Title: new s40 question mods
Post by Olle Anderson on 08/02/05 at 21:07:38

I got a new bike and so far I am very happy with it. After I joined this board I started thinking about putting some modifications. My question is: how does one go about improving S40 power/speed if one is new to motorcycles?! Can Suzuki dealership install whatever mods you guys will tell me I need??

Title: Re: new s40 question mods
Post by CHRIS on 08/02/05 at 21:36:59

For your question about having a Suzuki dealer do the work... I work at a Suzuki dealership in western Maryland and our labor rate is $62.50 an hour. That will turn in to a lot of money real fast. If you are even just a little mechanically inclined and with the help of all the very knowledgeable folks here you should no problem doing the work yourself. It will save a pile of money and give you the satisfaction of doing it yourself.

Title: Re: new s40 question mods
Post by Dynobob on 08/03/05 at 12:31:20

Adding a Supertrapp muffler or Raask exhaust coupled with the carb mods described here will make a huge difference in power and driveability. Adding a Supertrapp was not exactly easy as I had to cut off a bit of the header pipe for proper fit. The carb mods are not terribly difficult for an experienced mechanic.

The mods are very worthwhile. How someone who's inexperienced with mechanics accomplishes them...I have no idea. Find a friend or look for a mechanic. If you're willing to learn, folks on this board will walk you through it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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