General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Sigma install

Message started by Jim_R on 08/01/05 at 12:04:17

Title: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/01/05 at 12:04:17

Hey guys I bought a sigma last week and I am so glad I bought it.  It only cost like 25 bucks before shipping but it was worth every penny.  It was an easy install.  All i needed was some EARTH MAGNETS from Radio shack.  They are so strong they wont leave my rim even thoug only 2 are glued on , a total of 4 were used.

Anyway here are some pics
the sigma unit
the sigma sensor under the front fender, the rust is the magnets.  U can only have less than 1/2 cm of space between the two.  I noticed the Sigma didnt have a light and couldnt use it at night.  I bought a book light from CVS for 5.99 and mounted in on the gas tank with double sided tape.  Now if I want light I just flip it up and close it to turn it off.  It works great and is adjustable, plus wind doesnt bother it.
this is a pic of the book light open

this is a pic of my bike with new tool bag.  check out my funky filter..  I am thinking of putting some white led's in my saddle bags so at night I can see whats inside before I put stuff in there and ect.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/01/05 at 13:50:29

Good post Jim. I'm getting one. Is this version wireless?

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/01/05 at 14:47:43

Nope it isnt.  I heard wireless wont work becuase of interference with the alternator.  It makes sense too.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/01/05 at 20:43:43

Yeah, I heard that too.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Weez on 08/01/05 at 21:21:37


So what does this sigma do?

also, in one of the pics i see a helmet in the back with a netting.  Is this some way of securing it in place for driving, so that you have a passenger helmet?  Where did u get it and how does it work?



Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/01/05 at 23:07:13

OK the sigma is an electric speedometer that registers up to 199mpg.  All u need is this
and some of these

the speedometer is not only digital but displays Current Speed,Average Speed,Maximum Speed,Clock,Stop Watch,Trip Distance,Total Distance,Trip riding time,
Riding time.  The only drawback was no light which I remedied with a CVS booklight double taped to my gas tank.  

The net I got for my helmet was from the dollar tree for a whole whopping dollar.  I just put my helmet on the sissybar and secure it with the net.  Boy Im cheap but good.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Weez on 08/02/05 at 13:20:57

what kind of a net was it and how is it attached to the bike?

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/02/05 at 15:03:54


 I got it from the DOLLAR TREE for $1.00. hehe  It has 6 hooks on it and I attached it to my SISSY BAR and the helmet itself.

$1.00 is a good investment.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/08/05 at 10:57:26

I just installed a Sigma computer too. It is a nice toy. Here are some speed comparisons.

Savage Speedo              Sigma
    KPH                                      KPH
    50                                 50
    60                                 62
    70                                 74
    80                                 84
    90                                 95
    100                               106
    110                               118
    120                               130

These comparisons are not what I was expecting. Later tonight when my wife comes home, we will go onto the divided highway and do a speed syncro with her new CR-V. I am not sure what this will prove, in fact it may just confuse the issue. This reminds me of a Confucianism. " Man with two watches never knows correct  time."

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/08/05 at 14:50:41

I think the best thing u can do is ask a cop to clock u with his radar haha..  CRV is still mechanical blah blah blah, even when its new it is still not PRECISE

oh wells good lucks

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/08/05 at 21:11:58

The CR-V at 100 KPH registered 104 on the Sigma, and at 120 the Sigma was 124. These speeds are probably more realistic.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/08/05 at 21:53:18

I have heard the sigma was more accurate than the stock speedo but I guess it depends on how good ur measurements are to begin with.

good luck.  ps i used a maplight for illumination at night.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Tony on 08/09/05 at 17:09:29

I Just received my Sigma Meter and seem to be having a problem setting it up. The install was easy enough. I used Jim's idea of the rare earth magnets. My problem is I cant seem to get the wheel numbers right. I measures the circumferance and came up with 80 inches (2033mm) but when i enter the number i am reading 30mph at 20. Does anyone know the actually number used for a new S40 that is all stock?

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/09/05 at 20:13:18

The measurement on my wheel was 2156mm. YMMV

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/09/05 at 22:27:30

yeah I would use my number or remeasure.    If it was too big then the sigmas readings would be lower then the speedo which i am guessin is what it is happening

My reading was 2054 which is really close to Bentwheels.  Mine is a 1995 tho.  Check your speed at 60 mph.If bentwheel lowers his WS by fourty (2116)his 60mph should be pretty close to dead on. You have to increase ur WS by twenty for every mph increase or lower it in Bentwheels case.

Try my 2054 or 2116 and see if that works for u.  U might have to tweak it, but check ur speedo at 60 and see how much the sigma is at.  good luck

BTW which one is the sigma reading and which is the speedo.  Is the sigma reading 20 while the stock speedo is 30mph?

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Tony on 08/10/05 at 03:15:40

My Sigma is giving me the higher reading. I re-measured the tire twice usinging the chalk method and cam up with the same reading twice. From what I can figure out is that if the circumferance is larger the estimated travel per rotation will be farther thus resulting in a greater spead per revolution. Using this theory, my number is still to large but it is smaller than all of the ones your mentioned.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/10/05 at 09:21:11

what model sigma is this by the way?

did u divide the number by 1.61 to get mph?

try this number 1262

and see how that works

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Richard Amirault on 08/10/05 at 10:26:22

By the way ... I justed checked a catalog (for my *other* 2 wheeled vehicle) and BIKE NASHBAR has the Sigma BC800 on sale for $17.95


Or go to and search for BC800

Richard in Boston, MA, USA

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by bentwheel on 08/10/05 at 10:30:27

My Wheel size measurement seem out of whack compared to Jim_R and Tony ( plus I wasn't happy with my Sigma speed reading) so I did three more takes and found my original measurement was not accurate. My original measurement was too high and my corresponding speed reading was as well. With a WS of 2038 my Sigma conforms with the Savage speedo up to 110KPH and shows slightly below at speeds above, which is what I expected. Now I am happy.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Richard Amirault on 08/10/05 at 11:08:20

RE: Sigma at Bike Nashbar

I just found they have a night light attachment (clamps to handlebar next to the computer) for only $9.00


Or search for "BC-0339" from the main page.

I haven't seen this in person, but I'm wondering how difficult it would be to replace whatever bulb there is with an LED and power it off the bike's system instead of the battery that comes with it (with a 15 hr life)

Richard in Boston, MA, USA

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by tidwel on 08/10/05 at 12:40:15

This is how i got an accurate reading for My bike.
Place a small spot of grease in th center of tire, then roll bike straight for 1 revolution . Measure between grease spots.
I did mine this way and it seams dead on, BTW I have a bell bike computer from wall mart 10 bucks.
I hope this helps.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Tony on 08/10/05 at 17:36:18

Thank you everyone for your help.

Bentwheel, You number is right in line with mine (2033). The error was in the math. For some unknow reason (brain fart?) I never did the division for the Miles/hour. Now I am spot on up to about 65MPH. At that speed I seem to be reading about .5 higher on the sigma, but that could just be my eyes. It was hard to be sure I was dead on during the comparison so I am VERY happy with the meter. Mine is mounted on the tree between the risers. As long as you sit back in the seat and ride straight armed (my comfortable position), it is very easy to read. I wanted to mount is up on the bars but the cord was not long enought to reach the bottom of the caliper.

My gel seat is on it's way from Oneida, I cant to try it out also.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/10/05 at 21:27:35

I found that Simga light for 7.95

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Munson_kl279 on 08/17/05 at 03:38:06

HELP!  I just installed my Sigma and used the rare earth magnets but it is not registering anything on the speedo.


Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Munson_kl279 on 08/17/05 at 05:14:16

Ok now I feel like an idiot!  I reallized on my way into work this morning that I had the thing on upside down!

So, I flip it over and it starts working, but my calculations must be off on the size of my tire because it was telling me I was going a lot faster than I could have been since I was in stop and go traffic.  I think it's about 20 mph off.

Title: Re: Sigma install
Post by Jim_R on 08/18/05 at 14:36:27

try using one of our numbers and see if that gets u a more accurate reading.

I took apart my booklight from cvs and put a LED in it and ran it off the bikes battery.  Man, that sucker is bright and no AA batteries  YAY! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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