General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> $@*!?** I lost my keys

Message started by lcs151 on 07/28/05 at 13:35:58

Title: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by lcs151 on 07/28/05 at 13:35:58

Just want to vent- I lost my keys to my savage. ive looked for 2 days for them. of course i dont have a backup set, and of course the weather is gorgeous. my boyfriend is being a sweetie and is just as desparate as I to find them (he loves riding with me that much!) so weve both been looking like maniacs. Let this be a lesson to you all: if you havent done this: WRITE DOWN YOUR KEY CODE SOMEWHERE SAFE. i didnt know to do that, and had i had that number, i could easily have a new key made. instead now im either going to have to have a locksmith make keys for my bike $150, or get a new ignition and gas cap ($200). A very expensive mistake. ive decided to wait and see if they pop up anywhere. but my luck, as soon as i fork over the money for the new keys, i'll find the old ones. anyone know a cheaper alternative? (hot wire?... heheh)
Just venting and THIS SUCKS MAJOR A**

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by john smith on 07/28/05 at 13:58:18

maybe you can get the key code from the dealer...i used to work in a lock shop and most of the dealers have the key code...just has to corresponde with the vin#...
good luck

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by sluggo on 07/28/05 at 14:11:53

hot wire the bike, drill out the cap, and go riding.  :D

i know that advice doesnt help you find the keys, but it will get you out on the road.  ::)

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by lcs151 on 07/28/05 at 14:25:40

ya they only keep the key codes if u buy it new- i got it used from them

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 07/28/05 at 15:58:34

A new lockset with 2 sets of keys is about $155 & doesn't include the fork lock.  You can buy key blanks on the Internet for $6-8 each & a local locksmith near me told me he can impression the blank & file a new key for about $25.  He said it would take about 10 minutes.  You probably have someone similar in your area if you look long enough.  So you could get it done for about $40 with a couple of blanks + labor & then a few more dollars to get the second blank cut to match the impressioned key.  That still leaves you without a fork lock, unless your particular year used the same key for everything (I don't think they did), but it's better than $150.

Try this link for blanks if you end up having to use a locksmith -

A new fork lock w/keys is about $28 plus the aggravation of switching them out.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by john smith on 07/28/05 at 16:05:43

the vin number alone will lead you to the key code if you talk to the right person who is willing to help or used...
lock shops can even find out if they really wanted to as long as you have the vin number...
good luck....

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Ed_L. on 07/28/05 at 16:42:11

There is an ignition lock and gas cap with keys for a Savage on e-bay right now. Looks like it is everything you would need. Good luck.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 07/28/05 at 18:22:34

Ed_L. wrote:
There is an ignition lock and gas cap with keys for a Savage on e-bay right now. Looks like it is everything you would need. Good luck.

That won't get you the helmet lock (which you probably don't need) or the toolbox/battery cover lock (which you probably do need).  That wouldn't matter with the ignition lock if you were going to use it temporarily because you can unscrew it and install the new one & switch them back later, but it would matter with the gas cap unless you have a full tank already & aren't going that far right now while you're still trying to find your keys.  This is assuming you want to save your present gas cap & not drill the lock in case you find the keys.

wow - those were some serious run-on sentences...

If it were me and I gave up on finding the keys, I would try the VIN # route & if that didn't work, buy the key blanks and have a locksmith make me  new keys.  That's better than hacking on your bike & having different keys for everything.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Jim_R on 07/28/05 at 18:43:35

I would just get this key set with ignition and gas cap


its from a 2003.   CALL DIBS on it haha

It seems people here are respectful enough to respect each other.!   TRY it before u go to a locksmith FUR SURE!

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Jim_R on 07/28/05 at 18:48:53

I found one for an 87 too

comes with helmet lock too.  WOW ur in luck!

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by CHRIS on 07/28/05 at 18:51:44

Hey, did you buy it new? if so, the dealership has to  (or should) keep a copy of the "Pre-Delivery Inspection" on file that has the key code wrote on it. if you bought it used, you may be able to find out where the previous owner bought it and go that route. I know about these things because I'm usally filling them out about everyday. Hope this helps you out!!!

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Weez on 07/28/05 at 20:29:15


Harsh luck on the key loss.

my bike didn't come with the key for the fork lock.  Any way to solve this?

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/29/05 at 05:41:13

So far as keys go, I got one for the ignition/gascap/toolcover and one for the fork lock when I bought my bike used.  The first thing I did was get three copies of each.  The main key was available at Home Depot but the fork lock is a little harder.  I bought some blanks from eBay and then had copies made at Ace Hardware (where they still had the older type key-copying machines instead of the type that require a specific template).  I have since noticed that the key blanks are also available from via the microfiche.  If you find yours, make a few extras.

On the fork lock scene... I believe you'd have to replace the entire lock but it's probably better to just use a disc lock instead.

Title: yRe: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Weez on 07/29/05 at 06:41:20

ok sounds good, I have to copies of my main key but I think i'll get another.

As far as disc locks go, where do you find them, how do they work and how much do they cost?



Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/29/05 at 06:56:24

Here's an article/buyer's guide.

I use the Kryptonite New York disc lock (

Be careful not to get the Kryptonite Evolution locks.  There are several of the type that use the circular keys that can be easily picked.  See link below.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 07/29/05 at 07:54:41

Savage_Rob wrote:

On the fork lock scene... I believe you'd have to replace the entire lock but it's probably better to just use a disc lock instead.

You can get a steering lock key blank from here (get 2)

and have a locksmith impression a key with it for your fork lock.  It may be a little more expensive than spending $28 or so for a new fork lock, but it will save you the work of switching the locks.  You could try to make the key yourself if you wanted to try it - put the blank in the lock and twist it hard in each direction so that the pins make marks on the blank & file down the marks.  Repeat the process, making small adjustments each time.  I've never tried it, but it sounds interesting.  One thing I read said to hold the key above a candle or lighter so it gets black with soot  and then twist it in the lock.  The pins should make clean  marks on the blank.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Weez on 07/29/05 at 08:14:50

where could I get a replacement fork lock, like the whole unit?

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 07/29/05 at 12:24:19

Weez wrote:
where could I get a replacement fork lock, like the whole unit?

Call different dealers because prices can vary a lot.  You might try online as well like bikebandit -

Look at part #21 in the link below

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/29/05 at 13:04:23

I'd look at too.  They are usually slightly cheaper than BikeBandit.  However, BikeBandit now offers a discount to AMA members, so take that into account if it applies.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by slavy on 07/29/05 at 21:41:09

Come on, It can't be so bad !
Here You can get keys made for $15-25. Pull Your seat, take 4mm alen wrench and remove the ign. switch. If everything is original, the same key should open all the locks. If not - You will have to remove the gas tank and eventually the fuel, so gas cap key is made and after that use a screw driver and remove the battery box cover and have a key made for it.
The only problem is to find a blank for the steering lock key. You might have to go to the stealer or check the Ebay.
  Good luck !

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 07/31/05 at 12:53:15

So what's the latest with your keys?  Did you find them?

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by lcs151 on 08/02/05 at 12:31:32

Sorry i havent been online in a while...WOW lots of help from this topic! But, NO i havent found them. im "over" the initial feeling on shock and depression and now am trying to deal with my predicament.   ;D  i had a locksmith come by my house this morning to take a look at the bike. I was at work at the time, and i have yet to hear from him. but my roommate showed him the bike, and she said that HE said it shouldnt be so hard for him to make new keys. Bottom line, i havent talked to him yet so i dont know how much its going to cost or what the deal is. other locksmiths i talked to ranged from  $160 to $250 for them to come TO the bike and make the key and most of them wont touch the bike. this guy has motorcycle experience so we'll see... i will update you on the progress

also- the 1987 ignition on ebay (
would that work in a '98? If so i will for sure go that route if the locksmith is too expensive. If anyone knows off hand, pleeease let me know!! thanks!
ps- missing my bike like a puppy misses her mama

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by lcs151 on 08/03/05 at 10:03:50

Update: Locksmith went ahead and made the keys. He said the ignition has a number on it, and he took it off to get it. Hes coming back today to reinstall the ignition and to give me the new keys. Cost me $60- which isnt too bad, considering hes making two trips down to my house and i get the keys today. the set on ebay would be cheaper, yes, but with shipping it would probably be 20-25 dollars and i dont know if it will even fit my bike. plus id have to wait for them to be shipped and then worry about installing them correctly, drilling out the old gas cap and all that jazz. i guess thats the price i pay for being careless and also wanting instant gratification. Guess it could be worse/ more expensive. Thanks all for your help, and let me say again: WRITE DOWN YOUR KEY CODE!!!! also if you have your bike apart ever, WRITE DOWN THE NUMBER ON YOUR IGNITION!!! If id know to do these two things, this would have been alot less stressful. live and learn.

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by GaThumper on 08/03/05 at 10:15:48

I think you made the right decision going with the locksmith; anything else should really be used as a last resort IMHO.  When you start taking stuff off your bike and mixing and matching, you can end up with a disorganized headache.  Is he doing the fork lock as well?  If not, check the link I posted and see about getting the steering lock blanks & get the locksmith to make a key.  It sounds like the locksmith you've got is pretty customer-oriented.  Let us know how it turns out.

Good luck!

Title: Re: $@*!?** I lost my keys
Post by lcs151 on 08/03/05 at 11:24:39

No i dont think he did the fork lock. as i said before i dont really use it, but who knows, maybe in the meantime my old keys will turn up. if not, then i think i will eventually try your suggestion. thanks again! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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