General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...

Message started by tri on 07/24/05 at 18:15:18

Title: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by tri on 07/24/05 at 18:15:18

I have been trying to find the POST regarding the saddle bag brackets and their dimensions to see about having them fabricated. Does anyone know where I should look? I have done a few searches on the forum, but have come up empty handed.

Also, does anyone know of a good place to see about having them fabricated in Michigan? I've just started my search.

Or, should I just look at buying the stock brackets online somewhere? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by Michael on 07/24/05 at 20:24:10


The post used to be under the technical document section. It has vanished. Not sure why.....

Perrydasavage had the plans in question..Hopefully he still has them on his computer....Perhaps you can look for him on the members page, and pm him.......They are great plans.  I plan on fabricating some myself, when I get the time.

Good luck :)



Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/25/05 at 05:50:15

Hi all ... will try dig out those plans ... they're easy to make and work just fine!
Here ya go!
Here they are on my Bike ... sorry for the quality of the pic ...

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by tri on 07/25/05 at 06:19:51


I thought I had came across the post for fabrication before, but that was before I actually had purchased my Savage. Nice to know that I'm not loosing my mind  ;) At least I don't think I lost it, but I can't remember :)


Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by tri on 07/25/05 at 06:25:16


Thanks for the picture. Do you know what the dimensions are across the bottom of the bracket? I'm thinking probably 18cm or so. Also, can I ask what you ended up making your brackets out of and what gauge they are?

I also remember coming across a post that someone had left about fabricating brackets out of a type of plastic that was moldable. Haven't been able to find that post either.

Thanks again for the pics!


Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by TBeck2000 on 07/25/05 at 07:12:19

I don't know if these would be a good option, but I just saw an ad on Beginner and Beyond for brackets for $30 shipped.
Here's the ad:

They are made of 3/16" steel rods:


Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by tri on 07/25/05 at 19:02:44


After taking a look at the link that you posted, I decided that I should probably try making one myself first before paying $30.00.

After a trip to Home Depot, I purchased two 3' rods that were 3/16" for just over 4 bucks. From the dimensions that Perrydasavage sent (by the way thanks Perrydasavage, made life much easier) I used a pair of Vise Grips and some brute force to bend the rod to fit the dimensions. After getting it to the correct specs, I sanded, primered, and painted it a flat black. All in all, it cost me a little under $10.00 to construct my own. I'll post pics later this week from start to finish.

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by TBeck2000 on 07/26/05 at 09:43:26

Glad you could save at least $20 and get the job done!  I look forward to seeing the pics.

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by RadarORiley on 07/27/05 at 16:19:00

Could you post on the dimensions please? I think we are going to tackle that job.

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by TBeck2000 on 07/28/05 at 05:04:55

^^^  The dimensions are marked on the picture of the Suzuki originals that PerrydaSavage posted above (3rd post, 1st picture).

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by tri on 07/28/05 at 10:09:00


I used the dimensions from the post that Perrydasavage posted, mine ended up being close to the suzuki brackets but not exact (I figure a cm here or there is not a big deal as long as they don't end up not fitting ;D ). If you right click on the photo and do a "save as"...then save to your computer and open it. When you open it the picture is at a higher res and bigger so it's easier to read. I will also post the pictures of how I made mine as soon as I get a chance to resize the photos.  Good luck.


Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by TBeck2000 on 07/28/05 at 10:13:35

Here is a direct link to the image so that you can see it fullsize in your browser window:

Title: Re: Saddlebag Bracket fabrication...
Post by bobo383 on 07/28/05 at 17:48:47

I made some from copper tubing one day when it was raining.  SOOOO easy to bend, flatten, drill, etc.  I painted them black.  I would not do it again like this, the copper was too soft.  Plus I didn't take any measurements.

BUT THEY WORKED.  Here's the post:;action=display;num=1116290236;start=9#9 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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