General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> midnight & moonlight

Message started by sluggo on 07/21/05 at 02:19:29

Title: midnight & moonlight
Post by sluggo on 07/21/05 at 02:19:29

i just returned from my moonlight ride, it was in the mid 70's, full moon high in the sky, i was right there with it.
the sights, sound, and smells of the desert night were overwhelming. as i rode,  thumper and i cast an erie shadow on the roadway.  i stopped and made moonshadow hand puppets on a basalt out cropping.
for miles you could see the desert floor glistening under the light of the moon. the only sign of mans hand were the high tension wires that glowed as they streched across the desert.  i hit the reserve and made my way home to watch a spectacular moonset. as i wiped the bugs of the forks i thought wow  this would make a great next group ride.  so how bout it,  next full moon?

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/21/05 at 04:35:31

Gawd sluggo ... what a picture!! You've described my "fantasy Ride"!! Moonlight and a desert highway! Wow!!
Pencil me in for a Full-Moon Ride!

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by Ed_L. on 07/21/05 at 07:01:23

Sounds great, I'm heading out tonight for a ride under the full moon. Don't know about the midnight part, that is way past my bedtime. The moon comes up just after 9:00 so 9:30 is my kickoff time. Thanks Sluggo for a cool idea for a ride. ;D.

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by Paladin on 07/21/05 at 07:30:03 like a fantastic idea.  Next full moon in August 19th -- a Friday night.  We should have a full moon or close enough Friday-Saturday and Saturday-Sunday.

For those unfortunates who do not live near a desert, the "Ocean is a desert with it's life underground."  

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/21/05 at 09:11:34

Paladin wrote: like a fantastic idea.  Next full moon in August 19th -- a Friday night.  We should have a full moon or close enough Friday-Saturday and Saturday-Sunday.

For those unfortunates who do not live near a desert, the "Ocean is a desert with it's life underground."  

Ahhh, America........ the band, that is.  Horse With No Name.  Gotta love it.

Paladin, could I get a copy of the pic you thumbnailed there?  That'd be a great desktop.

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by Paladin on 07/21/05 at 15:09:39

You will have to talk to the people I stole it from:

What I swipped was only 250x163 pixels, but they may have a higher resolution version available.

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by babbalou on 07/21/05 at 19:22:57

That brought back some memories for me. I miss the desert! In '93, riding in the desert helped me get through a bad divorce. I lived in Albuquerque & I'd ride out across the desert to the top of the Sandia mountains late at night when nobody was there but the animals. I'd look out over the city lights down below & the desert all around. It was a wonderful sight & at 10,300 feet the stars shimmered like jewelry. Good place for meteor watching. Sometimes a ride like that lightens our burden & gives us a fresh start. Gotta go back again some day.  (the desert, not the ex!)

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by sluggo on 07/28/05 at 12:18:22

heres what the moonset looked like that morning.

Title: Re: midnight & moonlight
Post by freerider23 on 07/28/05 at 15:38:45

august 19 is the perfect night.  the gold wing road riders association puts on its annual midnight ride that night.   starts out at midnight in grand rapids mich, goes all the way up to the makinac bridge.  supposed to be like 30,000 bikes from all over michigan riding.  the cops shut down the highways and everything.  anyone gets bored at midnight in michigan should come check it out » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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