General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Interesting Facts

Message started by SavageDude on 07/17/05 at 21:43:03

Title: Interesting Facts
Post by SavageDude on 07/17/05 at 21:43:03

Just came across this report from Progressive Insurance about our Savage

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/18/05 at 01:38:31

:) Cool! Our beloved Savage/S40's are least likely to be crashed or stolen! More reasons to love owning the LS650!

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Paladin on 07/18/05 at 05:51:15

The two are related -- bikes are stolen for repair parts.

As for crashing, "corrolation is not causation."  It is not that the Savage is least likely to be crashed, it is that those riders who are least likely to crash gravitate toward the Savage (among other bikes.)

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Greg_650 on 07/18/05 at 15:14:06

Paladin wrote:
The two are related -- bikes are stolen for repair parts.

As for crashing, "corrolation is not causation."  It is not that the Savage is least likely to be crashed, it is that those riders who are least likely to crash gravitate toward the Savage (among other bikes.)

I think that it's very important that every forum have one person capable of objective thinking, able to dispel myths and maintain focus during moments of general confusion.  

So, why do the least likely riders gravitate to the Savage?  Are they quality and performance minded, or merely individuals seeking to embrace the latest in cutting edge technology?

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Reelthing on 07/18/05 at 15:20:06

or old and the crotchrockets hurt our backs!

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Greg_650 on 07/18/05 at 15:23:30

...or the Savage was the only thing they could convince their parents to buy for them.

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Paladin on 07/18/05 at 15:48:40

Greg_650 wrote:
.....So, why do the least likely riders gravitate to the Savage?  Are they quality and performance minded, or merely individuals seeking to embrace the latest in cutting edge technology?
Bass-ackward.  It is not that we sensible people gravitate to the Savage.  It is that those who tend toward showing off, excessive speed, etc. gravitate to sportbikes, supermotos, huge overweight cruisers, etc..  Not saying that those who ride such are idiots, nor that there are no idiots on Savages -- just that on average those who choose to show off, show boat, whatever, do not choose a little thumper cruiser to do so.

We are those who have been left behind.

Or so they may think.  In reality we are not left behind, we are far ahead in a different direction.

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/18/05 at 16:23:42

While there are responsible riders drawn to all types of bikes and irresponsible riders drawn to all types, I believe that for the most part the speed-freaks, stunt-junkies, bar-to-bar posers and just plain morons are generally not drawn to the Savage as it doesn't fit  either the the machine or image they require.

On the subject of being left behind.....

When it comes to "crossing over", maybe it's better to be left behind.


Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by WD on 07/18/05 at 21:23:00

I chose the Savage back in 1998 because it was: inexpensive, economical to ride/repair, obscure enough to catch my interest, and ORANGE... ::)

In the motorcycling world, HD Big Twins have becomne the equivalent of street rodding's 32 Ford. They are "belly buttons", as in, pretty much everyone has or at least had one. I've had Harleys. I HAVE a 32 Ford Victoria.  I use the 32 Ford for target practice out back of my uncle's street rod shop...

My stepson chose the Savage because it was: available, easy to ride, already modified to his taste, and his just past jailbait girlfriends all think it is "cool, cute, or kick a$$".

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by DavidV on 07/18/05 at 21:59:02

The Savage has more power than my Jetta, and doesn't attract attention from the inner city morons who'd steal a dirt bike or a Hayabusa.  

The Savage is the perfect bike.  I don't want to ride a wheelie or do a stoppie, or ride at twice the speed limit.  So the "little" 650 makes a lot of sense.  

Besides, it wasn't all that long ago that 650 was a large bike, right?  What did Brando ride in that famous movie?  A 600 Triumph?  An 883 Sportster was the huge bike a few years ago -  why is it the lady's bike now?  Ego?  

I'm willing to be wrong.

Regards, David

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by theikeman on 07/18/05 at 23:01:03

I chose the Savage because it was cheap, looks great, looks like it's easy to maintain, easy to upgrade/improve, fits me just fine and above all, it's a blast to ride. What else would a 59 year old veteran want?
BTW, I once heard that harleys are p-nile extensions for their weekend only riders .... ;)


Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/19/05 at 01:21:23

In reality we are not left behind, we are far ahead in a different direction.

Brilliant Paladin!

In reality, I choose the LS because I was/am a Noobie, it resembled my previous Rebel in style and more importantly weight ... but had extra cc's ... and because it fit like a glove. A peculiar bonous, is how the Savage "suits" me, my personality and general outlook on life ... spinning in a slightly retrograde orbit as it where. Like some arrange marriages, "love" grows after the nuptuials ;)
Last evening, went for a solo spin and stopped by the local Donut Shoppe/Bike Hangout on the way home. An older geezer on an 1100 V-Star says to me while sizing-up my Bike, "Only one cylinder?"
I smiled and replied, "Real men need only one." He laughed, waved and rode off with his posse.

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/19/05 at 07:34:04

Paladin wrote:
In reality we are not left behind, we are far ahead in a different direction.

Actually, that reminded me of a T.S. Eliot quote: "In a world of fugitives, it is those that turn the other way that appear to run away."

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by mornhm on 07/19/05 at 08:00:29

Actually, that reminded me of a T.S. Eliot quote: "In a world of fugitives, it is those that turn the other way that appear to run away."

Excellent, if obscure reference. Who'd a thunk a "savage" would have ever seen that play. I used to drag a copy of The Wasteland around with me. Talk about a flashback to memory lane. Thanks for the memories :)

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Bluejeanz on 07/20/05 at 12:04:30

Well, I think there is a correlation ...  If you'll notice, 4 of the top 5 most likely to be stolen are also 4 of the top 5 mostly like to be crashed.

Hence, it's the freakin' thief that's crashing the bike!

I, for one, KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I lack the riding skill and experience to successfully handle a Gixxer... I'm willing to bet the thieves don't stop to think about that when they steal 'em...

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/20/05 at 13:13:39

Bluejeanz wrote:
Well, I think there is a correlation ...  If you'll notice, 4 of the top 5 most likely to be stolen are also 4 of the top 5 mostly like to be crashed.

Hence, it's the freakin' thief that's crashing the bike!

I, for one, KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I lack the riding skill and experience to successfully handle a Gixxer... I'm willing to bet the thieves don't stop to think about that when they steal 'em...

Or more likely they're being stolen and stripped for parts to fix those that have been crashed.

Title: Re: Interesting Facts
Post by sakara on 07/21/05 at 06:52:18

In regards to the first post, I found that when insurance hunting, Progressive offred a far cheaper rate than anyone I found. Now it makes sense. :) Thanks for the post. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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