General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Questions about the Savage/S40

Message started by Current Ninja 250 Rider on 07/14/05 at 18:30:24

Title: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Current Ninja 250 Rider on 07/14/05 at 18:30:24

I just want to say what a great board you guys have

I will be moving from VA to FL in the next couple of months and am looking to get a new bike.  

I am considering a Savage/S40 but am looking to you guys experience for some advice.  

It will be mainly used as a commuter, but can the savage in stock form handle 15-25 mile stints on the interstate if necessary?

I searched the board for this subject but couldn't find anything on this subject.

I really like thumpers as I have had a 97 KLR 650 in the past.

I look forward to your thoughts.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Karen627 on 07/14/05 at 19:58:43

Hi Chris!  ;D

The S40's a great commuter bike.  I only just started riding and haven't gotten on the interstate yet, but so far I've gotten it up to 60-65 with no problem at all.  In fact, it seems quite happy at that speed.

Others here will be able to tell you more -- I do know I've never heard anyone complain about the Savage/S40's performance on the interstate.  

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by bobo383 on 07/14/05 at 20:15:13

Riding solo is no problem at all on the highway.  However riding double, the suspension is bottomed out and your passenger will not be happy.

Close to 100 mph, the bike starts to feel really light, and starts to burn a little oil.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Paula71 on 07/14/05 at 20:17:48


My S40 is currently all stock and has no problems with quick accelerations and no concerns about traveling even quite a distance at highway speeds.  We keep up with the 800cc C50T with no problem.  In fact we have left him in the dust once!! ;) :D

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by savage777 on 07/14/05 at 21:05:05

I've got a 2001 ls650 and I ride 80 mph on the freeway with the big rigs no problem.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Reelthing on 07/14/05 at 21:28:58

Hey Ninja

Well we've discussed it before and I'll end up on the other side as always - these bikes can run interstate speeds I just don't think they'll last a lot of miles - you know 30 or 40k -  spinning that many sustained rpms on a regular basis - 60-65 mph is a real sweet spot for these engines.  

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by SavageDude on 07/14/05 at 21:38:42

Okay I'm going to be on the negative side with interstate riding. I agree that Savage will be able to do 65 and up; but if you get caught in cross-wind or up-wind, you will have some white knuckles and have to lay low on your tank in order to keep at speed limit 65. Not a fun thing to do >:(

Personally, Savage is good on highway and cruising 55-60 mph where it is most happy.


Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by WD on 07/14/05 at 22:25:30

Both my wife and I have ridden my former Savage on the interstate for hours at a time. It did fine. In fact, almost as good as its liquid cooled stablemate (1996 VS800).

I've had the Savage up to "the ton" several times as well. Handles it fine IF you know what you are doing. The bike is insanely light for high speed operation.

Savage is a killer utility/light toy motorcycle. Mine has been raced, off roaded, rallied, bounced off trees, dropped, commuted on, chopped to within an inch of its life, used as a test mule, used for new rider training (its new caretaker, my stepson), and thoroughly flogged. 13000 plus miles, ready for front and rear tire set number three (got maybe a month on the "new" front). This bike begs to be ridden. And ridden hard at that.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by SavageDude on 07/14/05 at 22:49:22

WD wrote:
Mine has been raced, off roaded, rallied, bounced off trees, dropped, commuted on, chopped to within an inch of its life, used as a test mule

Maybe WD should change your nickname from Professional "scooter trash" to "trashing scooter" ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Current Ninja 250 Rider on 07/15/05 at 03:59:30

I appreciate you guys responses.  It has been very helpful.  I believe I will give the S40 a try when I get to FL.  Sounds like it will suit my wants/needs.

I am not so much worried about the high speed wind aspect as I am about the motor capabilities.
I ride my EX250 on the interstate all the time (fully faired, 308 lbs dry weight), and it can act like a kite at times.

Thanks and I am sure I will be back.


Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by mornhm on 07/15/05 at 05:24:35

I for one don't feel like the Savage is enough bike for the interstate. As SavageDude pointed out at some speed around where you want to be traveling with a head wind, the bike just runs out of oomph. For me it is at 70mph with a 20mph head wind passing a truck. I reached the end of the throttle, and I was stuck in the truck's blast. I had to crouch down over the tank to get around. I've duplicated the results a couple of times.

It's also a lot more effort to travel the same number of miles on the interstate than it is on a secondary road. The time saved is not worth the effort.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it is a great commuter and ride it every day back and forth to work. And recommend it for that.  But I avoid long (1 hour plus) interstate stints. In honesty, I avoid even the 10 mile interstate stint that would save me a couple of minutes each time I "run to town."

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/15/05 at 07:08:04

I don't think I've ever had any "lack of power" issues on the freeway but I ride solo and I don't normally exceed 75 MPH (which still leaves extra giddyup, if needed).  Actually, I prefer about 65 MPH but will run 70-75 if that's the normal traffic flow.  The only occasional drawback in the wind is the light weight.  Minimizing drag helps except for crosswinds.  However, light weight is an advantage at other times, so it's fine by me.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by lancer on 07/15/05 at 12:49:26

The Savage is certainly down on power for a 650cc engine, which in stock trim does slow things a bit on the interstate, but one very good trade-off is that if you keep it stock (except for a jet kit to correct the OVERLY LEAN carb) the thing is pretty much bullet proof.  Even with more radical engine mod's, which gets the power into a more acceptable range, it will still go and go and go and is the FREAKING ENERGIZER BUNNY.   A 650 single that is making 40 hp will run just fine on any road, highway or interstate...sure, the lighter weight (when compared to the 600 lb heavy cruisers) does give way to the wind a little more but get are on a motorcycle ...not in a car...heck, even small cars get blown around the road by the wind.  If you are going to ride a bike EXPECT TO BE BLOWN BY THE WIND.  White knuckle ride???  Come on, it is just another part of the riding experience.  If you don't like the interstate then stick to the secondary roads.  But the Savage will do whatever you want to do...not as fast as some rocket bikes, or as comfy as some big sofa bikes, but it is not MADE FOR THAT.  It is built as a general utility bike, just like the Huey helicopter, it is a general do almost everything gopher bike...kind of like a small pickup.  It does a great job of  fulfilling that duty.
My bike is modded a bit and runs fast enough.  It handles good now that I have tweaked it a little.  And will ride better now that I have the gel for the seat mod.  

So, what was the question?  The Savage is a great commuter bike..right down it's alley.   There is no worry at all about riding all day at interstate speeds...I cruise at 80-85 all the time, and my engine loves it.  In 5th gear it is just hitting the really good power at 80mph
For me, the hardest part of extended riding has been the seat, but that is soon to be fixed..

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/15/05 at 13:07:59

And just to be clear, I use mine as a commuter bike all the time on the Dallas freeways.  The HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane is available to motorcycles and I use it all the time.  It typically moves at 70-75 MPH.  My typical daily ride is about 49 miles round-trip with about 75% of that on the freeway and this bike is great for it.  If the bike sits comfortably for you, it's a great commuter.  The effects of 20-30 MPH winds on the bike are okay by me but some folks get uneasy when they can feel it very much, so I mentioned it.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by bobo383 on 07/15/05 at 15:23:17

A long time ago, 70 scared me on the Savage (it was my first street legal bike).

However, after having sportbikes and going 140+ with and WITHOUT fairings, 70 on the Savage became no big deal at all.  100 felt a little light.

Hey, wind is the reason we ride.  No substitute for experience to make you comfortable at speed.

My only highway problem is I get sleepy after about 150-200 miles.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by roughrider on 07/30/05 at 17:34:06

I travel 38 miles each way for a grand total of76 miles. The bike can easily handle it. I travel usually at speeds of 70 mph and occasionally 80 to 85 mph if traffic is moving that fast. It can be rough on windy days. the bike is very light weight. I purchased my 05 savage boulevard in May and have put over 4000 miles on it. Great learning bike if you are new to it. Savage has a backfire problem that some like. I do not. all around good bike ,reasonable price. GOOD LUCK!

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Jim_R on 07/31/05 at 08:27:12

I think the Savage is a great bike and after rejetting it I reclaimed some much needed power.  I do believe tho at higher speeds it is unstable and acts squirelly.  IM sure a superbrace would help this issue.  But as many people mentioned before, any wind at higher speeds makes this light bike scarry.  I do think that at a modest 60-75 it preforms well but you wont be passing anyone quite as fast as you need.  Just my two cents.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by Savage_Rob on 07/31/05 at 08:35:34

The superbrace is a great improvement.

Title: Re: Questions about the Savage/S40
Post by lancer on 07/31/05 at 17:42:12

Jim_R wrote:
I think the Savage is a great bike and after rejetting it I reclaimed some much needed power.  I do believe tho at higher speeds it is unstable and acts squirelly.  IM sure a superbrace would help this issue.  But as many people mentioned before, any wind at higher speeds makes this light bike scarry.  I do think that at a modest 60-75 it preforms well but you wont be passing anyone quite as fast as you need.  Just my two cents.

Not a problem, just increase speed to 85-90 and blast through the turbulent air faster so you can ride in smooth air sooner. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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