General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Clutch actin' funny?

Message started by PerrydaSavage on 07/06/05 at 00:36:57

Title: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/06/05 at 00:36:57

Mornin' everyone ... hope that you all south of the 49th parallel enjoyed your July 4th holiday.
Anyhoo, while cruisin' with a couple of pals to Cape Spear last evening, I noticed that my '03's (3600 kms - 2232 mi) clutch was behaving a wee bit strangely ... different than when I rode her a few days ago. Now I ride very conservatively; easy on the shifting, slow & smooth with the clutch, etc. ... but last night I felt that the clutch wasn't engaging as smoothly as it should ... seemed to engage with a slight "jerK", abruptly with an audible "clack"? Any ideas here folks? Please bare in mind that I can manage a wee bit of light maintenance, but am no wrench.
Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by SavageDude on 07/06/05 at 10:43:55

I am no expert in here; but let start with the basic trouble-shooting:
- Is your clutch free play correct?
- What type/grade of oil did you use?
- How long ago was the oil change?

Hopefully with these info, we can start from there ;)

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/06/05 at 11:11:55

Clutch free play appears correct ... approx. 3mm gap at lever pivot with lever in out position (in accordance with both the Clymer & MOM). Oil was changed approx. 600kms (373 mi) ago with Suzuki brand 10W40 m/c oil & was changed when Bike came out of winter storage at the end of April.

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by Michael on 07/06/05 at 11:55:03


As others suggested, it is the clutch cable slack. As i am sure you know, the cable stretches with use.

Mine was also shifting hard like that. I knew what it was and ignored it untill I decided I had better do it, or risk other complications... I checked out the MOM and clymer, and quickly  tossed them aside, when I  found out that the only way to get it correct, is by trial an error.
Took me all of 10 minutes,and a few short drives around the driveway, and now she shifts like a dream...Hope that helps



Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by SavageDude on 07/06/05 at 14:20:21

I agree with Michael :) Sometime you have to tinker with the adjustment on the clutch cable a bit before you find that sweet spot. Mine acted up like your after my first 600 mi break-in. Even after doing everything by the book, it still shift crappy until I give it about 1/2 mm more of free play. My Suzy has been shifted like silk  ;D

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by diesel on 07/06/05 at 21:30:30

lets get some lub in that cable, could have gotten a little dry inside and is hanging up a little.

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/07/05 at 00:51:24

Thanks for your replys everyone ... as I said before, I'm no wrench, but I figured I'd bite-the-bullet and have a go at it last evening. Managed to take the clutch cable off and used one of those cable-lube devices and a can of aerosol cable lubricant to apply a generous amount of the stuff 'til it ran out the other end. Re-installed the cable, adjusted the free play at the bar end to Clymer spec and test rode. Seems to shift better ... may have to monkey with the free play a tiny bit more to make perfect, but hey ... I actually managed a bit of self maintenance other than an oil change!
Have a 300km (200 mi) Group Ride planned for Saturday ... will post observations on how the Bike/clutch performs.
Danke everyone ... Ride Safe!

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by Susan on 07/07/05 at 08:09:52

Satisfying when you can wrench it yourself, isn't it! Have a great ride!  8)

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by Greg_650 on 07/08/05 at 06:42:57

PerrydaSavage wrote:
... seemed to engage with a slight "jerK", abruptly with an audible "clack"? Any ideas here folks?

Audible clack?  Did you fix that too?

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/08/05 at 12:03:19

Hi Greg ... the audible "clack" wasn't really that loud ... didn't hear it (or least I don't think I did ...) when I test rode after re-installing and adjusting the clutch cable. Am going on a 300km group Ride to Cabonear, Nfld. tomorrow ... will note any odd behaviour (locals and Bike ;))
WD mentioned that he adds some 2-stroke oil to every tank ... I also read someplace that some owners add "Marvel Mystery Oil" (a product developed for aircraft in WW2; not available in Canada) to every tank of gas ... supposed to keep linkages in the carburator lubed or something? Is this right? If so, how much 2-stroke oil is recommended?

Title: Re: Clutch actin' funny?
Post by Greg_650 on 07/08/05 at 12:33:07

PerrydaSavage wrote:
Hi Greg ... the audible "clack" wasn't really that loud ... didn't hear it (or least I don't think I did ...) when I test rode after re-installing and adjusting the clutch cable. Am going on a 300km group Ride to Cabonear, Nfld. tomorrow ... will note any odd behaviour (locals and Bike ;))
WD mentioned that he adds some 2-stroke oil to every tank ... I also read someplace that some owners add "Marvel Mystery Oil" (a product developed for aircraft in WW2; not available in Canada) to every tank of gas ... supposed to keep linkages in the carburator lubed or something? Is this right? If so, how much 2-stroke oil is recommended?

I DO NOT recommend any oil additives in your gas.  Plain and simple.  I have never read anywhere about this practice being recommended by the manufacturer, either.  That is just an old "shade tree" thing for really worn out engines...

Maybe that's why I get 2-3 years out of my plugs, it always starts, and it doesn't smoke.

As Paladin says, "KISS".

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