General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Memorial Day Weekend Rides...

Message started by WD on 05/29/05 at 12:58:58

Title: Memorial Day Weekend Rides...
Post by WD on 05/29/05 at 12:58:58

Watch out for the idiots who think it is a time to get drunk and raise hell.

Find a poker run in your area that supports military, fire or police causes.  Small way to say Thank You for those who lay it on the line for you daily. The Blue Knights, Red Knights, Armed Forces Motorcycle Association, Vietnam Vets Motorcycle Association, etc, are ALL hosting runs over the weekend. Low entry fees, door prizes (I always donate mine back to the cause if I win), proceeds help those folks in the area who had a family member pay the ultimate price for us.

Ride to the local veterans cemetery or war memorial and spend a couple hours cleaning up the area. Help a kid with his Eagle project (Boy Scouts highest rank for those who don't know). Small tokens, but, it's the biker way. Many of us are veterans, many of us are Eagle Scouts (once an Eagle, always an Eagle, for life). Many bikers are/were police or fire fighters. Even if it hadn't become an expected part of the riding culture, you'd still see riders pitching in whenever the need was there. Or whenever they could.

Ride safe. Ride well. Ride often.
I'm off to a poker run as soon as the bike dries out (finally got around to washing it, sort of).

Title: Re: Memorial Day Weekend Rides...
Post by red2k1 on 05/29/05 at 14:30:31

Very good points.  

Have done two runs this weekend -- didn't win the prize, but won in other ways.

Title: Re: Memorial Day Weekend Rides...
Post by Paladin on 05/29/05 at 15:09:09

The only runs I did were shopping.  Got red onions and mushrooms to be sliced and sauted in butter as a topping for the barbequed T-bones (wife back from shopping for steak: "T-bones are Porterhouse, aren't they?") serve with white corn on the cob and potato salad.

Title: Re: Memorial Day Weekend Rides...
Post by mornhm on 05/29/05 at 18:30:25

Took my first longer ride tonight -50miles. Not really feeling any problems with the seat, so I'm hoping to go further tomorrow.

Kinda boring in this part of the state as far as scenery, but I'm going to try north tomorrow.

Title: Re: Memorial Day Weekend Rides...
Post by marke2571 on 05/31/05 at 06:59:36

Did my first benefit ride this weekend. It was a blast although only 12 bikes showed up. I was hoping for much bigger numbers but it was still really cool. We had Ga. State Patrol escort the whole 50 mile ride. Beautiful country roads, perfect weather and some nice freebies at the end of the ride. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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