General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.

Message started by WD on 05/18/05 at 00:32:57

Title: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by WD on 05/18/05 at 00:32:57

I sitting here stoned as a lab rat. Just got back from the emergency room. I was riding to a Scout meeting Monday night, on the backroads, and hit a DEEP pothole. Didn't think anything of it at the time, so I went to the meeting as planned. After bouncing off the seat and almost OVER the handlebars.

Less than an hour later, my left  wrist started hurting, and my hand went numb. Rode home, took some pills and went to bed. Rode to work this morning, worked all day, and rode home.

Got home, could barely remove my helmet and gloves. Lisa said let's go to the hospital. 2 hours and 5 X-rays later, I'm in a 1/2 cast and sling. No riding for at least a week. They think I just sprained/hyperextended my wrist, but if it still hurts in 5 days time, off to a specialist I go. The same arm/wrist has been damaged twice before...good thing I'm right handed. Bad thing is, my back-up ride, a 69 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, has manual steering. At least it is an automatic.

Time to get a bike with more seat to handlebar room or stretch the Savage frame. Need at least a 10 inch longer frame backbone, and I'm probably the world's WORST welder.

Ride Safe.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Karen627 on 05/18/05 at 01:15:08

Wow. :P

I'm not happy you were hurt, but I'm glad it wasn't worse.

So what sort of painkillers did they give you?  They gave me Percocet back when I had my appendectomy a few years ago.  They were fun -- for me, anyway.  Can't imagine what it was like to live with me, though.  I was all sorts of happy, but I couldn't shut up.  :D

Take care of yourself, and get that wrist healed.  Then stretch the bike.   :)

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Mr 650 on 05/18/05 at 01:27:57

Sucks man! :(

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by lancer on 05/18/05 at 06:25:34

When the unfortunate meets the road, there is nothing like basic morphine to help you forget...or at least not care much.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by mornhm on 05/18/05 at 06:34:42

Sorry to hear about your bump, and I hate to sound like Chicken Little (I think that is the one who ran around yelling "The Sky is falling," but I'll relate to you what happened to me many years ago. I hit the side of a hill on my off road bicycle. First they thought it was my wrist, then my rotator cuff, etc. To make a long story short, six years (and many treatments) later they found out I had broken my neck. I now sport a nice titanium cage in my neck. Works great, but my point is that nerve damage in your neck can seem like anything, make sure that you follow up and get 100% cured before you get absolutely miserable. The scary part until the facts were learned is that I kept riding my bike and had a similar (worse for the bike) accident before I got my neck repaired and the damage was in the area that keeps me breathing. :o

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/18/05 at 06:42:45

Oh man, sorry to hear that but glad you're not hurt worse.  When I saw the thread title, I had a flash of a mangled front end and lots of road rash.  Pay close attention to how it recovers and don't overstress it.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Red_Wine on 05/18/05 at 11:50:00


I'm really sorry to read about this... my heart goes to you...  :(

Just make sure you get those bones and joints cured properly before you ride again... :)

The Savage frame? well, I'm sure someone in this forum lives close enough to your place and can help you weld, finish a couple of 6-packs in the process, and enjoy your company...  ;) I'd wish I lived closer, but 14 hours of flight is not my idea of a "short trip to get my pal out of the hole"....  ::)

Take care,


Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by WD on 05/18/05 at 18:41:37

They gave me Vicodin. Ought as well have given me a bag of candy. I'm severely (as in DEATHLY) allergic to opiates. All the Vicodin did was make me itch and give me a hangover.

I've had my eye on an 1100 Shadow at work...fromt and rear signals changed, spotlights, National Cycle windshield, full Jardine exhaust, jet kit, K&Ns, creuise contol... $4295. Wonder if the boss will straight trade? Put the spotlights and crap on the LS, my bars on the VT...
Maybe that would be big enough? It's looking more and more like I'm gonna have to go back to HD to get the right frame size...

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by PerrydaSavage on 05/19/05 at 08:35:17

:(Whoaa WD ... haven't caught up on this Board yet, as I've been outa town these past few days ... soory to hear about your mishap man ... lucky you didn't go down!
Get well soon bud!

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Goose on 05/19/05 at 19:31:48

well i guess i am out of thiis board and berts site because i have been looking at both for a number of years but did not join to listen to hear about others health problems and old harlry davidisons and thier virtues.W.D. i do not care about your problerms and your old bikes. i have already read it a number of times this site is about the savage and its virtues THIS SITE IS ABOUT THE SUZUKI SAVAGE AND NOT OLD H-DS IF I WANTED ONE I WOULD GO BY IT I DO NOT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT H-DS OUR YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS. SIGN OFF

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Frost on 05/19/05 at 20:11:55

Goose, your new so let me tell ya, here we care about each other and even if we don't agree on everything we still think of each other as family. Savages are what brought us together but interaction has made us all friends a newcomer you should leave if you don't like it....WD hang in there man , Family is Family

p.s. "by" should read buy, "our" should read or  :P

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Paladin on 05/19/05 at 22:23:00

Goose wrote:
....this site is about the savage and its virtues ....

It is also about the drawbacks of the Savage.  For someone too tall the Savage can be a challenge to ride.

As for health problems, if you are lucky you end up with health problems.  The alternative, no problems, also means no anything.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by WD on 05/19/05 at 23:36:30

Frost, no worries.
Paladin, you're right, there are drawbacks for those of us over 6 feet tall. There are enough tinkerers on the board to overcome most if not all of them.

To everyone else, thanks for the concern.

Goose, you're entitled to your opinion, same as anyone else.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by gazab44 on 05/20/05 at 00:55:48


Goose...chill out dude...I'm proud to own the savage, as we all are on this site...BUT we also love all bikes and probably owned many different makes, as I have, its about the comradeship and the friends we meet along way...SO if anyone wishes to share their experiences of ANY type of bike or LIFE with me I listen with great interest, I might not agree with everything people say, but I guess they don't agree with everything I say...Respect other peoples points of view.
So once again CHILL OUT MAN
Enjoy just being a biker  :)


Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/20/05 at 06:02:29

Whoa!  Bad day Goose?  Hope it's gotten better.

Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Red_Wine on 05/20/05 at 13:21:43


Is that the kind of education and good manners your parents, school and life have tought you? If so, you are giving those who hate the US and its citizens a good reason to nuke your country off the planet.

My son is not being raised with that attitude to others, and he usually goes to bed without dessert everytime he speaks similarly to your previous words.

We in Chile may be poorer, drive small Korean and Japanese cars, only drean of having a HD to brag around, but let me tell ya, we are friendly and respectful to other people; obviously your education was a waste of time and money.

Too each his/her own.


Title: Re: Watch for potholes... I'm downed, again.
Post by Red_Wine on 05/20/05 at 13:23:35


get well soon, pal
and hang in here...

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