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Message started by mornhm on 05/17/05 at 11:00:48

Title: Easy question
Post by mornhm on 05/17/05 at 11:00:48

:-[ :-[

I've misplaced my MOM and am trying to remember what the yellow button on the left handlebar does. Labeled "PASS."

Haven't needed it to date, but I would like to know what it does.


Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/17/05 at 11:24:04

Yours is a S40?  That should be for flashing your headlight for passing.

Of course, it could be a button for ejecting your passenger too  8)

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by mornhm on 05/17/05 at 12:35:52


No, it is a 2004 Savage, but I think the only differences (besides the name) between '04 and '05 are cosmetic.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/17/05 at 16:00:58

Well, not sure exactly when they added that button, but it has been since '03 so that works.

The next step would be to push the button and find out.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Mr 650 on 05/17/05 at 16:26:09

Might be the NoS Button. ???
Put a passenger on back, (equipped w/ optional Suzuki Savage passenger rollerblades) then run it up to top speed and then push the button.

a. If the bike accelerates and the passenger falls off the back, then it is the Nitrous Oxide button for passing bigger bikes,
b. however if acceleration occurs from the passeger being ejected upward then it must be the Jethro-Bodine double-nought- spy pregnant dog seat. (a rare option).

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/17/05 at 20:43:39

Gotta love that filter.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by diesel on 05/17/05 at 21:41:18

ya gotta love this board, sure glad it's up and running again.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Karen627 on 05/17/05 at 22:05:42

Yep, that's for passing.  Flashes the highbeam.

The salesman at the dealership where I bought my bike suggested I use that button if I'm at a red light in an intersection and the light turns green, to warn oncoming drivers that I'm there and coming through.  Trouble is, at least around where I live, if you flash the highbeam at someone, they take it to mean you're letting them go.  Quick and easy way to get yourself killed -- so I wouldn't recommend using it in intersections.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Kropatchek on 05/18/05 at 01:13:55

In Holland 2 flashes mean : speedtrap ahead. ;)

Kropatchek ;D

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by gazab44 on 05/18/05 at 01:57:07

In the UK flashing means straight to jail and getting your picture in the national newspapers LOL  ;D

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by jbird on 05/18/05 at 03:20:57

its a drag chute release dont push it its a drag to repack

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/20/05 at 10:29:10

Karen627 wrote:
Yep, that's for passing.  Flashes the highbeam.

The salesman at the dealership where I bought my bike suggested I use that button if I'm at a red light in an intersection and the light turns green, to warn oncoming drivers that I'm there and coming through.  Trouble is, at least around where I live, if you flash the highbeam at someone, they take it to mean you're letting them go.  Quick and easy way to get yourself killed -- so I wouldn't recommend using it in intersections.

To get the same effect without giving the opinion that you're letting "them" go, get a headlight modulator for your will flash continuously then.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/20/05 at 10:30:43

gazab44 wrote:
In the UK flashing means straight to jail and getting your picture in the national newspapers LOL  ;D

And if you're Saddam, you can be caught flashing even from inside the jail  ;D

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by mornhm on 05/20/05 at 10:41:47

Good news, I found my owner's manual.

It turns out the yellow button is indeed the little used passenger ejection option. ;D Only available in '04 during certain months.  ;)


Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/20/05 at 10:47:38

mornhm wrote:
Good news, I found my owner's manual.

It turns out the yellow button is indeed the little used passenger ejection option. ;D Only available in '04 during certain months.  ;)


Mine's a 2000 so I had to make mine a solo instead.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/20/05 at 11:34:33

That's a handy feature.  I have to use the manual method.

Title: Re: Easy question
Post by Greg_650 on 05/20/05 at 14:31:42

Savage_Rob wrote:
That's a handy feature.  I have to use the manual method.

And without ever using that button, you'd never think you needed it  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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