General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Clutch Cable

Message started by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 00:06:26

Title: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 00:06:26

9pm or so, need to make a run to the supermarket.  Hop on the bike and don't even make it to the first traffic light -- as I'm shifting I grab the clutch and it slams against the grip.

Downshift clutchless to neutral, pull to a stop.  Check it out -- the cable at the lever end is frayed and unattached.  Figure without a clutch it would be rough stopping at traffic lights, so I scoot the bike forward give it a little gas slap it into first, ride home, garage it and take the Beetle to the store.

At least I know why I the clutch developed so much play - the cable was about to go.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Greg_650 on 05/07/05 at 06:05:27

Yep, and you have a '00 model like mine.  Why did it fray and break?  Not long ago, I lubed mine and I didn't see any damage yet.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 05/07/05 at 06:23:21

Paladin wrote:
, garage it and take the Beetle to the store..

Sorry to hear about the cable man. of the subject but what kind of beetle you got. I have a 1969 :P all custom. 8)

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 08:03:57

The Beetles consist of a 1966 with about 380,000 miles that needs to have a lot of work but has it's own web domain. (  And....

When the kids got older Wendy went back to work so wwe could afford replacements for our '70's cars.  She got herself a 2003 New Beetle (  And....

When the kids got older we put them in AAA driving school and got a 2004 New Beetle (    (the salesman of the '03 was the salesmanager of the '04)

Back to the bike -- little knobbie thing on the end of the clutch cable came off:
As this is not something I can fix in a minute on the side of the road with no tools so I rode it home.  While I am willing to waddle the bike forward for enough speed to slam it into gear once, it is not something I am willing to do on a three mile round trip with eight passes thru traffic signals.

BikeBandit lists the cable for $18 and change.  Will call the two local stealers later this morning.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Greg_650 on 05/07/05 at 08:09:43

Paladin wrote:
The Beetles consist of a 1966 with about 380,000 miles that needs to have a lot of work but has it's own web domain. (  And....

When the kids got older Wendy went back to work so wwe could afford replacements for our '70's cars.  She got herself a 2003 New Beetle (  And....

When the kids got older we put them in AAA driving school and got a 2004 New Beetle (    (the salesman of the '03 was the salesmanager of the '04)

Back to the bike -- little knobbie thing on the end of the clutch cable came off:
As this is not something I can fix in a minute on the side of the road with no tools so I rode it home.  While I am willing to waddle the bike forward for enough speed to slam it into gear once, it is not something I am willing to do on a three mile round trip with eight passes thru traffic signals.

BikeBandit lists the cable for $18 and change.  Will call the two local stealers later this morning.

Yep.  That's the animal.  Did it pull out of the soldered hole in the end piece, or did it break off?  I actually resoldered the cable back in the hole once a few years ago because it pulled out.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 08:17:50

The thing that is supposed to be on the end is probably somewhere on Marine Avenue.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Greg_650 on 05/07/05 at 08:22:55

Paladin wrote:
The thing that is supposed to be on the end is probably somewhere on Marine Avenue.

That cable doesn't look that frayed because the wires aren't bent, and they usually break loose one at a time.  You could always find a small piece of 1/4" rod and braze the cable in a hole...or spend $18 bucks.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 09:26:54
It's $25, less than a buck more than bikebandit's shipped price.  Avaialble NOW.  While there is a lot of grief that goes with living in the middle of L.A. it does have shopping advantages.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/07/05 at 13:29:47
The knob thing was still in the lever, which I found out when I tried to install the new cable.

Installing the new cable was a snap.  It was disconnected at the lever.  Disconnected at the clutch, tape a pull string to the clutch end, eased back the reusable wrap-tie near the right rear of the tank, pulled out the old cable, taped the clutch end of the new cable to the string, taper-taped the nuts, pulled the new clutch cable in.  Re-tightened the reusable wrap-tie, connect the two ends to the clutch and the lever, done!

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 05/07/05 at 23:37:15

Paladin wrote:
The knob thing was still in the lever, which I found out when I tried to install the new cable.

Installing the new cable was a snap.  It was disconnected at the lever.  Disconnected at the clutch, tape a pull string to the clutch end, eased back the reusable wrap-tie near the right rear of the tank, pulled out the old cable, taped the clutch end of the new cable to the string, taper-taped the nuts, pulled the new clutch cable in.  Re-tightened the reusable wrap-tie, connect the two ends to the clutch and the lever, done!

I like those easy ones. and so close to home man you lucky 8)

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/08/05 at 00:19:15

I envy those of us who live in the country where they can take a relaxing spin without the constant paranoia required to remain rubber side down on the mean streets of L.A..  On the other hand, there are advantage to living in the big city -- such as 11 Suzuki dealerships within a 25 mile radius.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 05/08/05 at 00:23:23

True sir but you can always cruze out this way plenty of good roads where you can go for 1hr or more without seeing a cage. just watch out for the Wild life ;)(ME)  and Nature two :o 8)

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by WD on 05/08/05 at 01:29:57

At least it was just the clutch cable. Mine got stuck in second gear when the shift linkage snapped in half. In traffic. On the way to a bike show.

Gotta love those cut-rate parts.  >:( And, for what it's worth, my cable catalogs don't even list the LS. It's a current catalog too. Suzuki is almost as bad as Toyota with dealer only this and that parts... >:(

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Greg_650 on 05/08/05 at 06:06:58

Paladin wrote:
The knob thing was still in the lever, which I found out when I tried to install the new cable.

Installing the new cable was a snap.  It was disconnected at the lever.  Disconnected at the clutch, tape a pull string to the clutch end, eased back the reusable wrap-tie near the right rear of the tank, pulled out the old cable, taped the clutch end of the new cable to the string, taper-taped the nuts, pulled the new clutch cable in.  Re-tightened the reusable wrap-tie, connect the two ends to the clutch and the lever, done!

Well, that sure is broke.  It didn't pull out of the hole.  Oh well.  I still wonder why it broke.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Paladin on 05/08/05 at 08:30:05

Greg_650 wrote:

Well, that sure is broke.  It didn't pull out of the hole.  Oh well.  I still wonder why it broke.

Gremlins!  I don't have a Gremlin Bell!

I actually don't mind the Gremlins -- everything breaks eventually, and my Gremlins seem to be considerate enough to break things when and where I am not totally up a creek.  This time it was 800 yards from the house on a non-urgent run.

I don't need a Gremlin Bell, I have a Troll (

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Kropatchek on 05/08/05 at 08:38:39

Paladin wrote:

Gremlins!  I don't have a Gremlin Bell!

I actually don't mind the Gremlins -- everything breaks eventually, and my Gremlins seem to be considerate enough to break things when and where I am not totally up a creek.  This time it was 800 yards from the house on a non-urgent run.

I don't need a Gremlin Bell, I have a Troll (

FYI Trols are even worse. The only thing that stops them f*&*ng with your bike is to burn/cremate the d%%m b%$#$#ts

Kropatchek ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/08/05 at 09:23:23

Yeah, I believe I will add clutch, throttle and front brake cables to my road spares kit fairly soon.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by LondonThing on 05/08/05 at 16:43:47

I had the AA man out to me once with a snaped throtle cable. He had a huge kit of sleeves, cable and end conectors of various sizes, I WANT A KIT LIKE THAT... but darn me if i can find one :-( :-)

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Reelthing on 05/08/05 at 19:34:35

Savage_Rob wrote:
Yeah, I believe I will add clutch, throttle and front brake cables to my road spares kit fairly soon.

Looks like ronayers is $18 buck or so - ++ shipping - so batch up some stuff -
but what is a front brake cable used for? -Ishould read brake line i bet - and that's sure not a bad idea for any length of trip

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/09/05 at 07:08:01

I meant rear brake.  Sorry.  The cable used with the front brake just actuates the brake light.  The cables cost slightly less at than at (as is the case with most OEM parts for this bike).  However, I priced the rear brake cable and it's $43.65.  I think I'll just keep the clutch and throttle as spares and should the rear brake cable go, I'll limp along with the front brake (which is primary anyway) until I can get to a dealer and get the rear one replaced.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by WD on 05/09/05 at 22:14:27

While you are at it, replace the stock front brake hose with a GOOD braided stainless steel unit. Rubber is for tires, NOT brake systems. You'll definitely notice a difference. I recommend Russel or Goodridge brands.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/10/05 at 05:41:54

Plannin' on that but saving it for when I bleed the brakes later this summer.

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by klx650sm2002 on 05/10/05 at 09:40:10

I use stainless hose front and back, the front hose let me go to a 11mm master cylinder from the std. 12.7.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Clutch Cable
Post by Jazzdude on 05/31/05 at 23:27:56

Paladin wrote:
"... Downshift clutchless to neutral, pull to a stop.  Check it out -- the cable at the lever end is frayed and unattached.  Figure without a clutch it would be rough stopping at traffic lights, so I scoot the bike forward give it a little gas slap it into first, ride home, garage it and take the Beetle to the store.
Well... tonight I went to the grocery store, and was getting ready to head home. Had it in 1st gear with the clutch in, then all of a sudden, it popped into first and stalled out.  My first thought was the clutch cable so I checked that out.  Still in one piece, no fraying, etc.  Something went out in the clutch. So I just shifted into neutral, started it up, and rode home VERY carefully, shifting without the clutch.  Yes, it can be done but definitely not recommended. Just let off the throttle somewhat when you shift. It worked for me.  Going on a business trip and will be back Saturday.  I'll worry 'bout it then! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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