General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of us...

Message started by Savage_Rob on 05/05/05 at 20:59:18

Title: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of us...
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/05/05 at 20:59:18

WFAA Channel 8 in Dallas did a short news segment (and a nearly verbatim article) ( ) on riders over 40 having a huge increase in accidents/injuries.  While I can definitely see that occurring with the numbers of folks who go out and buy the biggest piece of butt-jewelry they can (or maybe can't) afford and just hit the streets, I don't think it is indicative of the folks who've ridden for years and just happen to be over 40 now.  I think it only marginally applies to those of us who rode for years and, for various reasons, stopped riding for a while and came back to it.  At least for me, it's the realization that my body isn't the same as when I was in my 20's and early 30's.  However, I also have better judgment than I did back then and am far less likely to take unnecessary risks.  They completely left out the 30-40 age group from their stats.  Anyway, I think it's cool to do an article, to emphasize safety equipment, and to point out that there are a lot of "boomer bikers" - some of which are very inexperienced and riding very large bikes.  I just wish they'd made it more balanced.

BTW, if you have to log in for the article, just register.  It's free.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by mornhm on 05/06/05 at 04:49:47

It probably has a lot to do with people like me that are just starting back after 20+ year hiatus. It would have been real easy to buy a "big" bike or a fast bike and do something really stupid last fall when I decided to start riding again. One dealer (Honda/Suzuki) that I went to even tried to convince me that I needed at least a 1000cc bike. I hope I did the smart thing by taking the MSF class first and buying what I think is a reasonable bike.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/06/05 at 05:49:35

I think the MSF is a great idea.

I think wearing safety gear is essential.  Along with that, I think there are some good ideas out there for making yourself more noticeable to cagers - like taillight modulators, headlight modulators (or simply using your high-beam in daylight), etc.  I am beginning to agree with the "loud pipes save lives" folks myself too.  In general, anything that increases your awareness and most especially anything that increases others' awareness of your presence.

I think practicing regularly and as often as possible is crucial to developing and maintaining good habits and skills.  This includes everything from your visual scanning techniques to dodging obstacles, quick stops, etc.

I think understanding your limits and proficiencies is very helpful too.  To me, this includes such things as experience level (in various types of weather, traffic, and road surfaces), bike's weight/power vs wind, level of rest/exhaustion, etc.

There are a whole lot of other great ideas for improving your skills increasing your safety and maybe that's a good idea for a thread.  In fact, I'll start one to get input from others.  After a couple of weeks, I'll try to compile all of it and add it to the technical corner.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Paladin on 05/06/05 at 08:26:31

In this we differ.  I am more interested in avoiding collisions than in surviving them.  Saftey gear lessens the paranoia that if I have a collision I will be hurt -- and that lessening of paranoia will make me more likely to have a collision.  Likewise, trying to make myself more visible tends to void the rightful paranoia that I am totally invisible and that others will not be trying to avoid hitting me and that it is 100% my responsibility to avoid trying to break the one basic law of physics that controls my riding.

I would rather not trust anyone or anything when it comes to my riding.  I want nothing that will lull me into thinking that someone might see me and actually try to avoid me.  Nor lull me into thinking I might survive an accident unharmed.  I rather have the sure knowledge that I will be hurt if I drop the bike to keep me from doing anything that would lead to dropping the bike.

Basic law of physics:  two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time -- don't try.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by mrbusdriver on 05/06/05 at 08:33:08

I'm one of them "new old farts" amd chose to forego the big machines for something more sensible and fun. I am cautious by nature and determined long ago that everyong on the road is out to get me personally, regardless of the vehicle I am in or on. I ride accordingly, within my limits, expecting the worst.
It's just a common sense thing, you're terribly vulnerable on a bike, and it's smart to do whatever you can to tilt the odds in your favor. I have a neon green/black JR jacket, white helmet, brights on always. May not be "totally cool", but I'm alive and riding.
Dave, 03 Savage, anout 700 miles aboard...

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by WD on 05/06/05 at 08:42:22

I try to ride as if I was undressed AND invisible.

I have the brights on in the daytime, I wear a waterbuffalo leather jacket (even in the summer), and a police-spec helmet. My pipe is loud, the horn works, the signals work.

I've been riding back and forth to work the past two days. I've almost been hit 4 times already.  >:(  Just a fact of riding in western Washington traffic, too many cages, going too fast, on too little road.

You ARE a nude, invisible target as far as car versus you is concerned. Dress/ride accordingly.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by gitarzan on 05/06/05 at 10:30:36

I'll bet if you really rode undressed they'd start to notice.


Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Paladin on 05/06/05 at 10:44:05

Not in California!  A decade or so ago my 16-y-o cousin was visiting from the Seatle area, we're driving down Hawthorne Blvd (3 lanes each way, Major street) in Torrance evening rush hour.  A lady was walking down the side totally naked except for shoes.  Cousin wigged out, "She's naked!"  I glance, "Yep!"  and got back to driving as traffic did not slow down.  It takes more than naked to get our attention.  

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/06/05 at 10:53:00

Paladin wrote:
In this we differ.  I am more interested in avoiding collisions than in surviving them.  Saftey gear lessens the paranoia that if I have a collision I will be hurt -- and that lessening of paranoia will make me more likely to have a collision.  Likewise, trying to make myself more visible tends to void the rightful paranoia that I am totally invisible and that others will not be trying to avoid hitting me and that it is 100% my responsibility to avoid trying to break the one basic law of physics that controls my riding.

I would rather not trust anyone or anything when it comes to my riding.  I want nothing that will lull me into thinking that someone might see me and actually try to avoid me.  Nor lull me into thinking I might survive an accident unharmed.  I rather have the sure knowledge that I will be hurt if I drop the bike to keep me from doing anything that would lead to dropping the bike.

Basic law of physics:  two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time -- don't try.

Actually, I agree fully with riding like I'm naked on a freeway packed with Hummers driven by Helen Keller clones.  However, I use safety gear because I prefer to hedge my bets wherever possible.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by sluggo on 05/06/05 at 10:56:46

Paladin wrote:
Not in California!  A decade or so ago my 16-y-o cousin was visiting from the Seatle area, we're driving down Hawthorne Blvd (3 lanes each way, Major street) in Torrance evening rush hour.  A lady was walking down the side totally naked except for shoes.  Cousin wigged out, "She's naked!"  I glance, "Yep!"  and got back to driving as traffic did not slow down.  It takes more than naked to get our attention.  

now if my wife would have been barefooted she would have gotten more attention.  ;D

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by gitarzan on 05/06/05 at 11:47:14

We'll I just ordered a new leather riding jacket and chaps the other night.  I figure at my age the skin will take longer than I want to grow back.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by sluggo on 05/06/05 at 11:53:51

gitarzan wrote:
We'll I just ordered a new leather riding jacket and chaps the other night.  

enough about your sex life, what do you ride in. :o

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/06/05 at 12:02:35

sluggo wrote:

enough about your sex life, what do you ride in. :o


Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by gazab44 on 05/06/05 at 12:05:54

sluggo wrote:

enough about your sex life, what do you ride in. :o

if he wears them for sex do we really want to know what he wears to ride ;D

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Setral on 05/06/05 at 12:32:34

Birthday Suit rider? Owch... all those little rocks, bugs... etc.. hitting at 50mph+.... no thanks!

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Savage_Rob on 05/06/05 at 13:49:05

Setral wrote:
Birthday Suit rider? Owch... all those little rocks, bugs... etc.. hitting at 50mph+.... no thanks!

Which is another reason for protective gear...  You never know what may come bouncing at you out of nowhere.  I have taken a couple of shots to the shins that made me glad I was wearing boots and half-chaps.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Red_Wine on 05/06/05 at 15:14:52

sluggo wrote:

enough about your sex life, what do you ride in. :o

Once again, Sluggo at his best  ;D  ;D   ;D   ;D  ;D  ;D

This forum would be quite a different site if Sluggo's sense of humor was not around...

Keep up the good work, pal!!!!!


Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by Paladin on 05/06/05 at 16:25:10

sluggo wrote:

now if my wife would have been barefooted she would have gotten more attention.  ;D

But then she couldn't have stomped along with this "get in my face and I'll kill you" aura.

Title: Re: Bad trend but doesn't really apply to all of u
Post by gitarzan on 05/07/05 at 18:05:04

sluggo wrote:

enough about your sex life, what do you ride in. :o

Same chaps.  Just with bluejeans beneath them.  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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