General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Snarky Sellers...

Message started by Setral on 04/28/05 at 12:57:21

Title: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 04/28/05 at 12:57:21


Well, the gas tank I ordered is at the house, the wife has already looked at it and pointed out there is a dent in this tank, that was never mentioned in the auction.

The auction stated, the tank had NO DENTS OR SCRATCHES, except a minor ding (size of a pen head) on the paint on the top of the tank.

The tank looked great online, but there were only 3 photos, the left side, the top with the ding, and an overhead view.

Now... what picture is missing? Why a picture of the right side of the tank.

Apparently, the reason is because there is an obvious dent that was not mentioned in the sale!!!

But wait, you might ask. "What about shipping, did it get damaged in shipping?"

Well after reviewing the physcal structure of the box, my wife assures me there are no indentations, rips, or tears in the box. Though it was saran wrapped and then packed with newspaper around it.

I'll check it again when I get home, maybe even post a picture of the "dent" that wasn't mentioned... but right now I'm not happy.

Sorry, I felt I had to share.  ???

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by gitarzan on 04/28/05 at 13:51:37

Most Sellers there are on the up and up.  But some are just soulless lowlife.

If the guy doesn't make it right, I'd email everyone of his bidders and tell them your story.  At least they might have a better chance of not getting the

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 04/28/05 at 15:45:59

gitarzan wrote:
Most Sellers there are on the up and up.  But some are just soulless lowlife.

If the guy doesn't make it right, I'd email everyone of his bidders and tell them your story.  At least they might have a better chance of not getting the

good pic I like that care if I use it? 8)

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 04/28/05 at 16:42:15

I have other pictures, but this is the best one that shows the obvious dent in the side. Just look at how the light warps right above the ava in "Savage"

Besides this and the small ding on the front of the tank (pinhead sized paint chip missing) the tank looks immaculate.

Oh.. the gold "dot" that shows up, only shows up to the camera flash, its not a problem on the tank itself.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 04/28/05 at 16:53:12

I emailed the seller politely requesting.. WTF??? at its longest point, it is over 1.5 inches long, and its widest point it is an inch wide, and the deepest point is 0.25 inches.

It almost seems like it was dropped on the corner of a desk or hard table, from the shape of the dent.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by rkutzner on 04/28/05 at 17:42:38

Off topic, but what year is the sticker on that tank?  I would LOVE to replace my 'Boulevard' emblems with those stickers!

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 04/28/05 at 17:49:39

The tank is a 2003 Savage tank. And despite someone else's warning, the 1987 speedometer does indeed fit it ;D

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by sluggo on 04/28/05 at 18:23:18

rkutzner wrote:
Off topic, but what year is the sticker on that tank?  I would LOVE to replace my 'Boulevard' emblems with those stickers!

i believe that's a 2004 tank mine came in that color,  the same stickers i pried from underneath the clearcoat because i didn't like them.

theres no accounting for taste. what some like some hate, that's why we do all the different things to the savage.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by gitarzan on 04/29/05 at 08:06:56

Oklahoma_Mike wrote:

good pic I like that care if I use it? 8)

Go ahead, I found it on the internet.  I think it's an MS-Office Clip art.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Paladin on 04/29/05 at 15:18:20

Makes a nice avatar:

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Paladin on 04/29/05 at 15:19:49

The background is transparent.....

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 05/01/05 at 11:37:55

I think the seller of this tank is coming very close to getting a negative. Emailed three times on Friday with no response. Going to give him another weekday or two

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 05/03/05 at 08:52:36

Two emails on Friday, one on Saturday explaining I'd hate to do a negative feedback. Another on Monday requesting information and yet another today. And so far no response.

I'm about to just say forget it and leave a negative.... and this is when stupid me realized the email address I've been replying to, is not the same email that they claim as their main contact.... stupid me for not paying attention and stupid them for replying with a different email account than their "contact" account.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 05/05/05 at 09:00:53

Nothing new to report, except that in 6 hours I'm reporting the guy and posting negative feedback.

Two email addresses, with 6 emails sent to each requesting info, no response.  >:(

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 05/05/05 at 11:41:02

Negative Feedback left for engelhartsales

I'm unhappy with them.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Setral on 05/06/05 at 12:21:01

Add to the joy.. claims I never emailed him (10 emails total 5 to each email address) with no response... and he gets to mark me negative too.

Alright.. I'm seeing why not to deal with ebay... because the only thing that can be done is to mutually withdrawl feedback.. which would be BS.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Dingo_Jones on 05/06/05 at 13:58:48

If you look back through his feedback in the first 25 pages, you are one of at least three people that reported problems. His response every time...?  That he didn't receive the emails...
Sounds a bit sketchy...
Oh well, don't give up on ebay, I've had some wonderful transactions there.


Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Ed_L. on 05/06/05 at 16:46:38

Yeah, e-bay can work, just don't give up on it. One bad apple can give you a bad taste for the whole thing. The seller is probably pissed that you gave him bad feedback. I got a bad feed back for a stinking comic book I sold for a whole $1.50, the buyer didn't think that it was in fair condition. I still sell and buy on e-bay but list everything that is wrong with the item. Seems your seller tried to pull a fast one and got caught. Ed L.

Title: Re: Snarky Sellers...
Post by Oklahoma_Mike on 05/06/05 at 18:48:19

gitarzan wrote:

Go ahead, I found it on the internet.  I think it's an MS-Office Clip art.

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