General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Dropped it...well kinda...

Message started by savagethumper on 04/09/05 at 15:16:04

Title: Dropped it...well kinda...
Post by savagethumper on 04/09/05 at 15:16:04

I keep my Savage in my wife's tack room.  I have just enough room to squeeze the bike in amongst the horse feed, and saddle.  Well, stupid me, I forgot to close the door to the tack room Saturday, and the horse got in and ransacked the place.  Knocking everything over, including the bike.  When I ran him out of there, I had a look of horror on my face when I saw my precious bike on it's side.  Then, I had to thank God.  He knocked my bike over onto a bale of hay.  It didn't leak any gas out, or leave a single scratch.  All it did was knock my mirror out of adjustment.  I guess someone was watching out for my bike.  And I didn't have one of them stupid bells either.

Title: Re: Dropped it...well kinda...
Post by Mr 650 on 04/09/05 at 16:15:51

Next you should latch the tack room and "forget" the barn door one night?   ::)
I hear horse is pretty good when properly prepared.  ;D

Title: Re: Dropped it...well kinda...
Post by Michael on 04/09/05 at 16:20:54


Can I borrow a bale of hay? my latest post >:(;action=display;num=1113067111


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