General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I have a page at

Message started by RG on 03/29/05 at 22:13:30

Title: I have a page at
Post by RG on 03/29/05 at 22:13:30

Just thought I'd let you all know that I now have a page at  It's not anything special, just a place to post some pics of my Savage (imagine that . . ., hmmm).  Anyway, if anybody else is wanting to get pics of your Savage on the internet, this is definately the way to go.  It was one of the simplest picture posting sites I've ever seen.  Here's the link to my site:

And just for fun:

My Savage at sunset.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by TVRacer on 03/29/05 at 22:35:49


Great sunset photo!!  I went to look at your photos.  The blue is sooooo nice!

Do those handlebars cause you to be more bent over when riding?


Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by RG on 03/29/05 at 22:42:06

Thanks for the compliments!  :)  As for the handlebars . . . they allow me to stretch out.  With the pullbacks, I always felt just a bit cramped up.  I'd really like some forward controls, but there's no way I'm gonna shell out $400 for a set of those.  If anyone knows how to make your own, please let me know.  That's something I've been wanting to do for quite some time.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by sluggo on 03/29/05 at 22:51:47

welcom rg, nice shot

many of us post there you can find us by going back to the savage owners page, it goes back to the first year.

when you go there you need to press the refresh button often. that applies to others pages.

you can find mine

i've got like 40 of them posted.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/30/05 at 06:05:45

I just have the most current one of mine posted.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by Ed_L. on 03/30/05 at 16:01:56

Nice looking bike, I was thinking of going to that type but ended up with something that had a 2 1/2 inch rise.
Here's the link to the pics.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by TVRacer on 03/30/05 at 16:54:53

RG wrote:
 As for the handlebars . . . they allow me to stretch out.  With the pullbacks, I always felt just a bit cramped up.


I'm 5'7, so I thought maybe your style bars might cause me to have to reach too much!  But then again, they almost look similar to the S50's and they are fine with me.


Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by bobo383 on 03/30/05 at 18:02:22

Nice bike, RG!

I too repainted, as you can see:

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by TVRacer on 03/31/05 at 09:47:13


Let me know if you ever get a photo taken with you or someone else on the bike.  I'd like to see what your actual seating position is with your bars.


Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by RG on 03/31/05 at 10:26:19

I was actually curious what I looked like on my bike, so I had my cousin take this pic of me last summer.  And by the way, I'm 5'10.  I don't know if I ever mentioned that.

Here's a link to the pic:

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by TVRacer on 03/31/05 at 11:18:13


THAT's what I am looking for!  I'm 5'7, so might be a bit more of a reach, but looks much better than what I was thinking.  I rode my brother's Ducati Monster and the riding position was wayyyy too leaned over for me.

I think your handlebars look great, and I am more confident that would work for me :)

Did you have to change your cables?


Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by RG on 03/31/05 at 11:24:52

Nope, I didn't have to change the cables.  Keep in mind though that I put on 2 inch risers.  Without those, the controls on the bars would have hit the tank.  I had a crome tube that I cut and used for the risers.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by TVRacer on 03/31/05 at 12:27:13

Thanks Ryan, that answers my concerns!


Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by Paladin on 03/31/05 at 12:30:50 ( (

RG, 5'10" with straight bars, Paladin, 5'8" with pullback bars.

A 2" height difference, should be a 1" difference in arm length; Ryan's leaning forward slightly while I am more upright/laid back.

Title: Re: I have a page at
Post by RG on 03/31/05 at 14:04:49

Thanks for the comparison, Paladin.  It's nice to see the difference side-by-side. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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