General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Ebay Etiquette

Message started by Nightrain on 03/23/05 at 13:41:26

Title: Ebay Etiquette
Post by Nightrain on 03/23/05 at 13:41:26

There have been a few posts by newbies looking for specific savage Items. Personally, I frequent eBay and other parts forums all day long.  Is it right to post a link to an eBay item, here on this forum. There are 2 arguments.
1. Say for example, a regular user of this board is eyeballing a specific item on eBay. Is it right for me to just post a link and possibly ruin that person’s chance of winning the auction? I don’t want to be responsible for being a monkey in someone’s wrench.
2. If I just sit back and don’t mention that I know about an item that someone may be looking for, then perhaps someone else (not of this forum) may win it.
Is there a law about this?

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by sluggo on 03/23/05 at 13:49:36

my thoughts are.

all's fair in love, war, and e-bay. ::)

i wouldn't post a link to something i know someone from this forum is looking for, send an instant message to them in private. this way you won't spoil it.

if you get in a bidding war with someone from here, assess how bad you need the part and take it from there.

and finally if you have something to sell,. list it here first for a few days, then it's off to e-bay

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by Nightrain on 03/23/05 at 14:00:23

The problem is, I would never know if anyone here is eyeballing something. Unless of course they posted it.  I always like to help those in need (Ive been there) but on the same token, I dont want to piss somone off either. I think your right about the P.M. thing. That way at least the dirty laundry wont be public.  ;D

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by sluggo on 03/23/05 at 14:28:11

Nightrain wrote:
The problem is, I would never know if anyone here is eyeballing something. Unless of course they posted it.  I always like to help those in need (Ive been there) but on the same token, I dont want to piss somone off either. I think your right about the P.M. thing. That way at least the dirty laundry wont be public.  ;D

i've found that many here post in the market place as they look on e-bay, so that may help

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by Ed_L. on 03/23/05 at 15:38:18

Maybe we are looking at it backwards, if somebody needs a part they should post it here, maybe in the marketplace. Then anybody who has the part can contact the person. If it is spotted on e-bay then you can let the person looking for the part know that it is there. I'm not into fighting for a part that somebody else probably needs more than I do but all is fair when it comes to E-bay. just my thoughts on it. :)

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by CONNIE on 03/23/05 at 18:59:15

I want to thank you for helping me ,
e-bay is a bidding war alway has been alway will . that why it there !  like the guy said all is fair in love and bidding .... it all in that you want and how much you are wanting to spend. I get out bidded all the time.
I don't think any one is going to be mad at you .... I'm not !!!

Title: Re: Ebay Etiquette
Post by gitarzan on 03/24/05 at 15:15:59

There's no rule about this at all.
This forum is this forum and auctions are auctions.

Many of us hold back on items bid upon by fellows here or make our own intentions known as a courtesy to forum friends, but there is no real rule.

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