General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I need a flavor

Message started by Nightrain on 02/28/05 at 08:53:50

Title: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 02/28/05 at 08:53:50

I am at work now and need to print out the pics for the forward control templates. Of course my work has an internet blocker and I cant get to this site. I cant figure out why, as it has no problem with this savage site  ??? Can someone Please, Please, Please email me the 2 pictures of the forward control templates. Her is the link for the site. Bitmap would be best so I can change the size.

Here is my email.


I will owe you a PBR  ;D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by red2k1 on 02/28/05 at 09:01:16



Sorry - didn't see bitmapped  -- sending now.


Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 02/28/05 at 09:04:46

Got it  :D

I owe you a PBR.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 02/28/05 at 12:10:47

Did you get the prints out just right the first time ?

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 02/28/05 at 13:04:56

No. As a matter of fact I had to print about 10 times (hence why I need to do it at work  :)   )to get it in the ballbark. They look to be correct if I use Microsoft Paint and stretch/skew the image to 270%. I am going to make the brackets out of sheetmetal first, then transfer them to 1/4 or 5/8 steel. I just needed paper to get me started

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 02/28/05 at 13:37:26

Ok, that was nice to know, that will spare me from to many miss prints  ;D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/01/05 at 08:04:34

Just one more thing, can you tell me the height of the left side plate ? Right now im looking for some metal that fits the plate ! Sadly i dont have my bike yet, its still crappy weather here  ???

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 03/01/05 at 08:15:33

do you mean height from the ground? or the height of the plate? Last night I tried to fit those templates. In my opinion, those are not the best way to go about this. I have decided to scrap those and make my own templates. I think that I can make a better looking and better design of forward controls. I am going with something similar to these.
But I want my footpegs about 1-2 inches lower than these ones. If you need more legroom, then It makes no sense to strech them out and then raise them up. I am going to have 7" of forward stretch when I am done, still keeping the footpeg the same location from the ground. I am sure that I can get this done for under $200.00 bucks. I plan on posting full directions and photos if you can wait 3-4 weeks. But if you need measurements now, just let me know exactly what you need and I will take care of it tonight.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/01/05 at 11:03:44

Im realy looking foreward to seeing what you come up with  :)
Its just a aprox messurement i need, its the hight of the plate  :D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 03/01/05 at 11:27:51

No sweat. I'll measure it tonight.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/01/05 at 13:39:33


Title: left side plate
Post by Nightrain on 03/02/05 at 08:21:43

O.k. I measured the left side plate last night. Keep in mind that I am measuring a plate that doesnt exist yet. All we have is a template. Also keep in mind that the size of the plate is an arbitrary number. once the plate is cut, you can drill the holes wherever you want, so if the plate is 1/2 inch taller than it should be, it wont matter because you will drill the holes in the right spot. According to my calculations, you will need a piece of steel at least 4.5 inches tall by 11" wide. You can cut, drill & grind from there. I havent decided if I amm going to use 1/4" or 5/16" thickness.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/02/05 at 21:55:17

Tnx my freind  :)

Title: Forward controls
Post by Nightrain on 03/03/05 at 09:04:14

To re-vist the topic and in fashon with keeping everyone up to speed. I previously stated that I was going to go with a forward control design similar to this:

this will require a moderate amount of fabrication and some welding. Upon futher contemplation and review, I have decided to go with something like these:

this will require no welding, and minimal fabrication. Basically just extension brackets that move all your existing junk forward. Once I have the templates cut, I will offer paper copies to anyone interested for the price of a SASE. That way you get paper and can transfer them over to metal. I should be able to button these up over the weekend.

Cheers ;D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by savagethumper on 03/03/05 at 09:50:50

I'm in love.....who's golden Savage is that?  That is got to be one of the best looking Savage's I've sen in quite a while.  Watch out Sluggo, you have a golden nemesis. ;D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/03/05 at 13:55:21

I think they look werry kolosal (big and stuff) I would prefer a more slimline version, maby if the side stand did not get moved with to the front i would look better too.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 03/03/05 at 14:14:00

Yeah, i agree, it doesnt look quite as nice. But its basically the difference between a little work and a lot of work. Ive always fancied myself as not being lazy but so I may end up going back the other way. I may end up making both and then whatever I dont use, offer up to the wolves. Here is a pic of the first set of templates on my bike (just cardboard at this point). What is your take on these?

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by gitarzan on 03/03/05 at 18:15:43

Not bad.  Maybe a hole or two, or a triangular cutout would give it a visually lighter look.

Should be real do-able with a modicum of shop tools.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by sluggo on 03/03/05 at 20:36:51

savagethumper wrote:
I'm in love.....who's golden Savage is that?  That is got to be one of the best looking Savage's I've sen in quite a while.  Watch out Sluggo, you have a golden nemesis. ;D

i've still got one ace in the hole left.
paint is goint to be high gloss black. plain and simple.

i do like the gold.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/03/05 at 21:44:26

Nightrain, yours looks much more nice  8) and im gonna give gitarzan right, it would look kewl with some holes or cutouts !
Keep up the good work  :)

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/04/05 at 05:28:03

Wouldent it be easier to make some checkpoints on the  drawings and scan it, aka if there is a a couple of points where you know the distance between.... lets say 10 cm ! And make them metric and inches so we all can play  ;D

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Kropatchek on 03/04/05 at 05:29:16

How about the shape of the Seeger forward controls fitted to my bike.

The thicknes of the steel shape is 10mm so 3/8 steel
will be fine.

The 2 holes are of the engone mounts and the middle hole is threaded to accept the sidestandbolt going outboard.

kropatchek ;D

BTW Is there a need to translate the second sketch of the German FWC?

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/04/05 at 05:50:15

Nightrain, ive stolen your picture, i hope its all right, otherwise hit me  ;D
Do any of you think this could hold, maby the sides should be a bit more high !

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/06/05 at 04:06:25

Nightrain, your picture is werry good to work with  8) I has made a more beutifull one, what do you think about this one.... nevermind that the holes are not 100 alligned  :P

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by Nightrain on 03/07/05 at 08:05:16

Kewl  :D, That last one looks kind of jetsons-esqe'. I decided to go with the easy way and just move the existing controls forward. I cut templates out of cardboard, thean 1/8 inch sheetmetal. I then dropped those templates off at the machine shop and told them to duplicate my templates out of 1/4 inch steel. I will update the board for sure and let you know how they came out.

Title: Re: I need a flavor
Post by DangMan on 03/07/05 at 08:14:01

Ok, im lokking foreward to see what you come out with, and maby how much itll set you back  :D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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