General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Tidy up time

Message started by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 04:34:57

Title: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 04:34:57

I've been doing some of those little jobs that keep getting put off.
The first was take the header off to give it a rub down and polish with a black poish called zebrite. I have to take the exhaust off to do this because it goes inside the frame (you Savage owners don't know how lucky you are), any way it's a nice shiny black now.
Second job, replace the lead from the battery to the solenoid as the o.e. one was corroded 1/3 of the way through. I replaced it with a heavier gauge thinking it wouldn't hurt.
What I'm going to try to do today is reroute KLX's engine breather so it goes up hill from where it is on the cylinder head to the lttle filter thing hopefully letting breathed out oil run back into the engine, not like now where it runs away and dribbles on the shock.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Greg_650 on 02/28/05 at 05:26:38

klx650sm2002 wrote:

What I'm going to try to do today is reroute KLX's engine breather so it goes up hill from where it is on the cylinder head to the lttle filter thing hopefully letting breathed out oil run back into the engine, not like now where it runs away and dribbles on the shock.

Clive W  :D

Hey, that sounds like the reason that I placed mine higher than the engine.  Especially if you consider that the stock filter box has to be drained from time to time to removed that collection of water and oil.

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 05:31:32

Yes Greg I got the "uphill" idea from one of Your pictures, thanks.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Greg_650 on 02/28/05 at 05:42:57

Oh, okay.  I will say that no oil has leaked out of mine.

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 05:47:48

I'm off to scrounge some aluminium sheet offcuts to make a bracket for my breather filter.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Ed_L. on 02/28/05 at 16:10:55

I like your idea of a heavier battery cable, have been wondering if there is a significant voltage drop across it during cranking. I would think that the battery ground wire needs to beefed up also to complete the mod.

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 03/01/05 at 00:51:24

Hey Ed

I see your point about a heavier ground wire, the problem on KLX is that the ground wire goes to the underside of the starter motor and to get at it i would have to take the whole left side off the engine so it's going to have to wait a while.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 03/01/05 at 00:55:33

I forgot to say, the core diameter on the heavier cable is 5.75mm and the o.e. was 4.75mm.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by sunny on 03/01/05 at 12:48:18

zebrite is a fireproof polish. so could you use it on the engine itself?

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 03/02/05 at 01:21:11

I keep having to re-apply the zebrite to the first 8-10" of the header as it keeps burning off, like blueing on a chrome pipe I suppose.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by klx650sm2002 on 03/02/05 at 02:16:50

I was wondering, at what thickness does aluminium sheet become aluminium plate?

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Greg_650 on 03/02/05 at 05:38:10

klx650sm2002 wrote:
I was wondering, at what thickness does aluminium sheet become aluminium plate?

Clive W  :D

How about 1/4"?

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Kropatchek on 03/02/05 at 09:22:56

Greg_650 wrote:

How about 1/4"?

Or 1/128"?

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Greg_650 on 03/05/05 at 07:45:50

Kropatchek wrote:

Or 1/128"?

But that is only .008"  ???

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by gitarzan on 03/05/05 at 15:25:06

Greg_650 wrote:

But that is only .008"  ???

Curses, FOILED AGAIN ! ! !

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Greg_650 on 03/06/05 at 08:20:14

gitarzan wrote:

Curses, FOILED AGAIN ! ! !

Kinda thin "plate"?

Title: Re: Tidy up time
Post by Mr 650 on 03/06/05 at 11:14:37

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