General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Rev's up releasing the acc. knob

Message started by augh on 02/28/05 at 02:19:19

Title: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by augh on 02/28/05 at 02:19:19

When I release the accelerator knob to go to the next speed, up or down,  the revs of the engine are not going back to normal idle immediately.  They stay up for a moment, let's say half a second.
I checked the wire and seems to be ok, even if I noticed, turning the front wheel to both sides a small revolutions difference.  Could  this problem be connected with the carburator ?? A filter ?? , a return spring??  Tx Augusto.

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by woodworker on 02/28/05 at 02:43:39

augh wrote:
When I release the accelerator knob to go to the next speed, up or down,  the revs of the engine are not going back to normal idle immediately.  They stay up for a moment, let's say half a second.
I checked the wire and seems to be ok, even if I noticed, turning the front wheel to both sides a small revolutions difference.  Could  this problem be connected with the carburator ?? A filter ?? , a return spring??  Tx Augusto.

My first guess would be a problem with your throttle cable. It should not change the idle at all during full rotation of your steering column. The cable housing must be secured to the frame at some point along its route. The inner cable could be sticking inside the housing, make sure the housing interior is lubricated with a light oil or WD 40. Open and close the throttle while you check movement at the carb to see if you are getting full travel at the carb.

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 03:11:32

A lean tickover mix can make an engine slow to return to idle.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by augh on 02/28/05 at 04:04:07

This is what I feared.  How can I correct the problem??

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by Greg_650 on 02/28/05 at 05:23:05

augh wrote:
This is what I feared.  How can I correct the problem??

Make sure the cable is not in a bind, is routed correctly, and isn't sticking internally from a lack of lubrication.

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by klx650sm2002 on 02/28/05 at 05:24:05

Hey augh

Look at "white spacer and jetting" in the archives on page 4, should help.

Clive W  :D

Title: Re: Rev's up releasing the acc. knob
Post by augh on 02/28/05 at 06:40:31

Tx you all!!  Augusto. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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