General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> funny non-savage related

Message started by Frost on 02/21/05 at 08:27:48

Title: funny non-savage related
Post by Frost on 02/21/05 at 08:27:48

How many times have you wished you had one of these  ;D ...

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/21/05 at 09:11:35

Never.  FWIW, disrupting telecommunications is a federal crime recently reclassed as an act of terrorism.

For all you know the call you disrupt could be the school calling about a child that collapsed on the athletic field and they need permission to treat.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/21/05 at 10:45:04

It looks like the thing has a maximum range of 15 meters under optimum conditions (assuming it works at all), so that sort of scenario would seem unlikely.  However, Paladin is correct; it is a crime and could potentially cause harm.  Besides, it'd probably cause even more road accidents when the jack@sses have to keep looking at their phones to redial 20 times.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Frost on 02/21/05 at 11:18:07

:-/ loosen up a bit

Title: MichaelRe: funny non-savage related
Post by Michael on 02/21/05 at 12:27:47

I think Frost was trying to be funny, and i found it quite   hillarious....
.We all have talked about the infamous soccer moms in SUV's with a starbucks in one hand, and a cell phone in the other....I found the post refreshing, and darn near fell off my chair... wasn't the first joke posted here in bad taste, and I doubt will be the last. Guess you have to be in the 'loop" to be a wise ass" ;D



Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by gitarzan on 02/21/05 at 12:39:11

Well, sure we all know it's illegal, but this IS a fantasy thread, right?

BTW, Here's a picture of my wife:

I wish.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/21/05 at 12:45:40


Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by sluggo on 02/21/05 at 12:59:20

gitarzan wrote:
Well, sure we all know it's illegal, but this IS a fantasy thread, right?

BTW, Here's a picture of my wife:

I wish.

i wondered where my daughter took the cash register last week end. hope she made gas money  8)

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Nightrain on 02/21/05 at 13:13:24

When I was in rome. It was common occurance to see italians riding twist and go's with one hand on the throttle and the other hand holding a cell phone & cigarette. Now thats the real deal  ;)

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by gitarzan on 02/21/05 at 13:30:31

Nightrain wrote:
When I was in rome. It was common occurance to see italians riding twist and go's with one hand on the throttle and the other hand holding a cell phone & cigarette. Now thats the real deal  ;)

So...  What did they wave at girls with?

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/21/05 at 13:30:59


Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Nightrain on 02/21/05 at 13:53:39

Personally I wave my tongue. Women love it.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/21/05 at 14:05:22

What was the old saying?

"All I have to do is lick my eyebrows..."

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/21/05 at 14:42:42

Sorry.  "We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we're aware of. " -- Agent K.  Nor do we at MaBell.

That jammer is not fantasty, it is an available product.  The infamous soccer moms in SUV's with a starbucks in one hand, and a cell phone in the other are breaking the law, driving distracted, and that law should (IMHO) be enforced a lot more than it is.  Vigilante justice is not the answer.  You would not know the subject or urgency of a cell call and the use of this device could cause someone to suffer great harm.  I don't know about you, but I have never considered hurting other people to be in the least bit funny.

The other side is that in the U.S. interfering with telecommunications is a Federal crime.  In my job they keep trying to inform me of the lastest laws and regulations.  While I am not willing to look it up, a while back we were told that under the HomeLand Security Nonsense, interfering with telecommunications has been reclassified as an act of terrorism.  While the odds of getting caught using one of these devices is slim, the consequences could be not worth even that slim of a chance.

Might have been posted in jest, but I do not see any humor in it.

As for the wives:
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Ask an ugly girl to marry you.
FWIW my wedding gift to my wife was a Ruger Blackhawk, 7.5" barrel, caliber .45 Long Colt.
My eldest daughter just got married, her hubby gave her a 12 gauge shotgun.


Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/21/05 at 14:46:44

Speaking of waving -- I have noticed that everybody waves to everybody nowadays.  Sportbike, Standard, Metric Cruiser or Hawg -- if you are on two wheels that is enough.  Not like the early '80's!

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by sluggo on 02/21/05 at 16:24:31

Paladin wrote:
Speaking of waving -- I have noticed that everybody waves to everybody nowadays.  Sportbike, Standard, Metric Cruiser or Hawg -- if you are on two wheels that is enough.  Not like the early '80's!

i've found that different groups wave depending on the helmet i'm wearing. simular helmets wave to each other. well not the helmets themselfs but the riders,  ::)

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by gitarzan on 02/21/05 at 16:45:52

I wave my cell phone and cigaret at 'em.


Actually most of them wave around here.  If they don't, I figure they're not too comfortable with one handed riding (or an idjit).

One time I was on the back leg of a 150 mile lunch run and a larger poker run was coming the other way.  I got so tired of waving I turned and went down a county road.  There must have 300-400 riders coming the other way!

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Tony on 02/21/05 at 17:47:05

I agree with Paladin. Many people are actually buying those things and dont understand the real world. They jam phones for up to a 1/4 mile depending on the model. Imagin this, you are sitting having a cup of joe in your local shop and you switch it on for some quite. At the same time, a block away, there is an emergency and  a mom needs to call 911, her child is choking. Guess what the outcome could be?

Now that more than 80% of all 911 calls are being generated from cell phones,  this is not as crazy as it might sound.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/21/05 at 19:28:22

I have a hands free headset, but too much wind noise with the beanie to use it.

With a full face helmet you can use a cell phone while riding.  The new phones will even dial out on voice command.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by gitarzan on 02/21/05 at 20:30:55

Paladin wrote:
I have a hands free headset, but too much wind noise with the beanie to use it.

Remove the propellor.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Frost on 02/21/05 at 21:49:35

Paladin-"wished" not wanted to get one ..It was meant as an interesting item. At least Michael got it.. ;)
after 39 years doing the same job, I can see where you would take phone related stuff as personal but it wasn't meant to condone the use of the product.
:o FWIW - could I borrow your  Ruger Blackhawk, 7.5" barrel, caliber .45 Long Colt so I can put myself out of my misery of ever posting this  :'(
i kid ,i kid  :P

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by slavy on 02/21/05 at 22:21:44

It was said 15m radius in good conditions. This clearly eliminates the risk of causing any dammage- if there is something critical in 10-15 m of You, You will know it.
If the d**n thing wasn't so expensive I'd get one and use it all the time. It is concidered rude to listen  when  the people are having  conversation, but nobody thinks about the people who are forsed to listen to his /her's/ BS. I realy enjoy to make loud coments about the phone calls around me.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by jbird on 02/22/05 at 03:28:59

why not leave the phone at home we use to survive wihtout one

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/22/05 at 06:14:33

I'm biased, but human history can be said to be a history of the improvements in communications.  It all started with language, when we could communicate more expansive concepts with each other.  The Roman Empire was made possible by the speedy (for then) communications by messenger over the network of Roman Roads.  Telegraph, telephone, and radio made near instaneous long distance communications possible.  The Cell Phone now allows that long distant communications to be available anywhere in civilized areas.

Why have cell phones?  Convience, security, peace of mind.  My daughter colapsed at school.  They called the wife who called me.  Wife was home, in Gardena, daughter was in San Pedro, I was mid-way in central Torrance.   I got to the school first, in time to talk to the paramedics and to give permission to transport to the hospital.  Got on the cell phone to the wife and she was able to change course and be waiting at the hospital emergency room when the ambalance arrived.

Yeah, someone could have jammed Wendy as she tried to use her cell phone in the car.  It wasn't a life or death situation -- altho' it might have been.  And the worry and panic as she arrived at the school only to learn her youngest had already been taken to the hospital would be hilarious!  Except, of course, to those worrying about their family.

We are on Cingular's Family Plan with three of the four phones being only $10 a month.  Dirt cheap for the ability to be able to respond to a family emergency in minutes rather than hours.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by gitarzan on 02/22/05 at 06:38:45

This thread is almost ready to be send to

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/22/05 at 07:10:24

Naaaaahhhh....  human civilization is due to beer.
Here's the basic theory as I understand it...
Early humans were nomadic hunter gatherers (later, occasionally with a few odd herd animals like goats) until someone happened upon some water from a field of wild grain that had a chance to ferment naturally.  Liking this, they first gravitated to these types of areas (because both their meager herd animals and prey animals were attracted to grain and because beer rocked) and later began to stay around for longer periods for the same reasons.  Eventually, they learned to care for the grain, to grind it and make it digestible to humans, to brew their own recipes and so forth.  Hence, the dawn of an agrarian society and villages.

There you have it.  Beer.  The father of modern civilization.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Michael on 02/22/05 at 09:05:24

Hmmmm     Not one cell phone in my whole family, and we are still all alive....have all our limbs, and don't feel our safety is in jeopardy....i guess if one wants to be a slave to one, then so be it...that's their bizz...

I still see at least one pay phone on every corner. God forbid I may have to slum it, and drop a quarter in, to reach the wife, so she can put dinner on.



Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/22/05 at 10:49:03

I like my cellphone and keep it with me when I ride, though I have no desire to use it while riding.  While I could easily use my Jabra hands-free setup, I just keep it available for use and pull over if I need to talk.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Nightrain on 02/22/05 at 10:54:48

Check out the hand free device that I use for my cell phone. You could probably use it on your savage if you can fit your helmet over it.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/22/05 at 11:02:27

Very cost-effective, Nightrain!

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Nightrain on 02/22/05 at 11:18:56

yeah, I'm trying to keep all costs at a bare minimum so I can save money and will someday be able to afford a set of seeger forward controls.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Greg_650 on 02/25/05 at 05:28:07

Believe it or not, I've seen bikers wearing turtle shell helmets  (or no helmet in SC) actually holding and talking on a cell phone while riding.  How crazy is that?

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/25/05 at 08:03:53

Greg_650 wrote:
Believe it or not, I've seen bikers wearing turtle shell helmets  (or no helmet in SC) actually holding and talking on a cell phone while riding.  How crazy is that?

Darwinism in progress...

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by RadarORiley on 02/25/05 at 10:27:55

I saw a catalogue recently that had a jacket that was wired for cell phones. I don't mind the cell phone use but think common courtesy has been forgotten somewhere along the way.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by sluggo on 02/25/05 at 11:14:50

RadarORiley wrote:
I don't mind the cell phone use but think common courtesy has been forgotten somewhere along the way.

it appears that common is gone from our society.
no more common courtest
no more common sense.


Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/25/05 at 12:08:34

Common sense, common courtesy, empathy -- need to be taught to children.  Any lack in the present generation is the fault of the previous.

A large part of this teaching was *allowing* children to be hurt -- getting bit by dogs, scratched by cats, shocked by electricity, burned by fire, bruised from falling out of trees and off playground equipment, etc..  It used to be that any adult could discipline any child.  Common courtesy and common sense died when it was no longer permissible to smack a child for being rude, obnoxious, cruel, etc..  

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Nightrain on 02/25/05 at 12:23:51

"Common courtesy and common sense died when it was no longer permissible to smack a child for being rude, obnoxious, cruel, etc.."

A-Men to that Brother!  

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/25/05 at 13:34:21

Telecommunications Installation and Repair since 1966

1966?  Heck, that was smoke signals and pony express!

LOL!  CO's are a lot quieter now than with steppers aren't they?

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Paladin on 02/25/05 at 19:28:42

My stepper handled 324- and 329- and was maintained by 8 switchmen.  Each of the two crossbars were three times larger run by 5 switchmen each.  The frame had 8 or so people, with a half dozen more in carrier/specials.  We had a 6 person Western Electric installation crew dedicated to our central office.  

They've nearly doubled the number of subscriber lines -- all handled by a DMS that covers a tenth of the floor space the three electro-magnetic switches did.  The DMS has the t-carrier built in and handles most of what used to be special circuits.   The switch to cable connections are left in and they simply tell the switch what options to place on the line.  There is a single frame person, a part time carrier-specials, and the switch is maintained remotely.

What use to be a jumping place with over 30 people working now makes your average mausoleum seem noisy.


On the plus side, we were sending data at 300 baud.  That picture of gitarzan's wife would have taken over 20 minutes to send.  (versus a half second for my DSL line.)

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Greg_650 on 02/26/05 at 06:49:51

Paladin wrote:
Common sense, common courtesy, empathy -- need to be taught to children.  Any lack in the present generation is the fault of the previous.

A large part of this teaching was *allowing* children to be hurt -- getting bit by dogs, scratched by cats, shocked by electricity, burned by fire, bruised from falling out of trees and off playground equipment, etc..  It used to be that any adult could discipline any child.  Common courtesy and common sense died when it was no longer permissible to smack a child for being rude, obnoxious, cruel, etc..  

It is a general "dumbing-down" of society.  All the do gooders screamed that teachers and parents could not discipline the kids while at the same time the kids were given praise whether they deserved it or not....example: all the "Terrific Kid" bumper stickers.  So we (my generation) didn't teach them right from wrong and at the same time we boosted their self-esteem.  We created a generation of selffish under-achievers that think they deserve everything without working for it.....

Now those children are having their own kids....or in some cases, even killing and stealing other's.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Ed_L. on 02/26/05 at 12:02:41

You have got that right, what really pisses me off is that society is dumbing-down to the lowest common denominator which is to protect stupid people from doing stupid things. HELLO a stupid person DOES stupid things, that's why they are stupid in the first place!!! It was the way stupid people were kept out of the gene pool, if you did something real stupid you wouldn't be around any more to breed and make more stupid people. I also think our modern day, "not his fault, he never was taught better" society is letting people get away with more while expecting them to be less responsable for thier actions. You were talking about how fast comunication has gotten, this increase in information has pushed people into a form of overload trying to keep up. People are rushing around so much that the finer social graces(being nice, not rude) have been put aside because no one has the time to be nice anymore. Most families don't even have time to get together for supper most weekdays. Half the people out there, me included, are living on gallons of coffee and pounds of sugar a day just trying to keep up. Look how popular Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts have become. When you look at the cost cuts most jobs expect out of thier employees, long comutes in heavy traffic and all the other pressures modern soicety throws at an individual it's amazing that more people don't just go over the deep end and start shooting for no real reason. Enough rant, the US is still the best country on earth and we are all luck (stupid included) to be here. Now if the winter would take a break things would be sweet. ;D

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Greg_650 on 02/27/05 at 09:30:33

Ed_L. wrote:
You have got that right, what really pisses me off is that society is dumbing-down to the lowest common denominator which is to protect stupid people from doing stupid things. HELLO a stupid person DOES stupid things, that's why they are stupid in the first place!!! It was the way stupid people were kept out of the gene pool, if you did something real stupid you wouldn't be around any more to breed and make more stupid people. I also think our modern day, "not his fault, he never was taught better" society is letting people get away with more while expecting them to be less responsable for thier actions. You were talking about how fast comunication has gotten, this increase in information has pushed people into a form of overload trying to keep up. People are rushing around so much that the finer social graces(being nice, not rude) have been put aside because no one has the time to be nice anymore. Most families don't even have time to get together for supper most weekdays. Half the people out there, me included, are living on gallons of coffee and pounds of sugar a day just trying to keep up. Look how popular Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts have become. When you look at the cost cuts most jobs expect out of thier employees, long comutes in heavy traffic and all the other pressures modern soicety throws at an individual it's amazing that more people don't just go over the deep end and start shooting for no real reason. Enough rant, the US is still the best country on earth and we are all luck (stupid included) to be here. Now if the winter would take a break things would be sweet. ;D

Whew.  Bet you feel better now.  I know that I would  :o

Let's not forget society has grown to need instant gratification for everything.  Everything has to be fast and now.  Gotta pick up the phone and talk immediately.  People got to have "call waiting" too.  Whatever happened to getting a busy signal, and having to call back later?  I never use "call waiting", I believe in "caller waiting".  No one is more important than the person that I am talking to at the moment, and I'll never be heard to ask someone to hold while I answer another call.  To me that is an insult to the first person.

And what about jerks in grocery stores, walking around discussing what to buy?  Why the hell did they go to the store in the first place, if they have to call someone to find out what to get?  Can't they make their own decisions?  And why do they have to call and give an update to someone about their whereabouts?  Gee, how long has it been since they got out of the car in the parking lot?  Is today's routine so much different than yesterday's?  And what makes these people think that their personal life is so important that it has to be part of mine?

The dumbing down process also includes a lack of patience.  Why?  Cause, people might have to spend some time actually thinking while they wait.

Personally, I like the pause that I get when I state that I missed a call because my phone was in the car (or not with me).

All this is another great reason to ride a bike.  No phones and no strange conversations interrupting my thoughts.

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Mr 650 on 02/27/05 at 13:40:14

Ed_L. wrote:
HELLO a stupid person DOES stupid things, that's why they are stupid in the first place!!! It was the way stupid people were kept out of the gene pool, if you did something real stupid you wouldn't be around any more to breed and make more stupid people.

"..stupid is as stupid does.. "
- Forest Gump

Title: Re: funny non-savage related
Post by Ed_L. on 02/27/05 at 14:04:12

Didn't mean to blow off steam, just did 12 days straight at work. Only guy working with 15 nurses and techs, all women, even my boss is a female. When it's good it's very good  ;D but when it's bad it's very bad :(. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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