General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> other cold weather gear

Message started by sunny on 10/28/04 at 13:46:23

Title: other cold weather gear
Post by sunny on 10/28/04 at 13:46:23

a week or so ago i left the house in jeans, chaps and shirt, leather jacket and gloves for the ride to work but i found i didn't have enough layers.
at lunch i went to target to buy some cheap turtleneck shirts(mens section) and my boss had me buy a knit hat. he told me to cut the top seam off and it was to be pulled over the head and worn just around the throat, or pulled up over the chin.

very toasty! especially in the policemans style leather jacket i have.

do you have any tips or tricks or special cool/cold weather gear?

Title: Re: other cold weather gear
Post by Red Wine on 10/28/04 at 13:54:52

As far as I do, I just put several layers of clothes (long johns underwear, leather pants, turttle necks, etc.) when riding in the rain and a set of dry clothes in a waterproof backpack.  ;) I keep office shoes at work and ride with my rain boots on, so wet feet are no problem  ;D. When ready to go home, I check the the wet clothes (in case the rain got through my leather jacket and pants) and, if dry, put them on and off I go  8).
rain is not an issue for me, I just take extra care when riding and at braking. 8)
Ride safe,

Sergio (aka Red Wine) ;)

Title: Re: other cold weather gear
Post by Old Geezer on 10/28/04 at 14:20:52

Since I run outside all year in all sorts of weather, I possess a couple of pair of running tights.  These work great under my jeans / leathers.  If it is really cold, I'll double up on socks and have a deal similar to your sock cap that goes around my chin and throat.

Title: Re: other cold weather gear
Post by Honda_fan on 10/28/04 at 17:32:30

Heated Grips, adds a month on each end of my season.

Title: Re: other cold weather gear
Post by Paladin on 10/28/04 at 17:57:08

My Father rode a Harley 45 tricycle all winter long, eight hours a day -- in Detroit.  Long johns, wool, leather, mitten gauntlets rather than gloves, with a pocket warmer inside each one.

Love the Internet -- they are still available:

Title: Re: other cold weather gear
Post by Greg_650 on 10/29/04 at 04:04:25

Well, here is one for wasn't easy to find because they changed the product name, I think.

They used to be called Hippo Hands.

Polar Hands (

Myself, I have a real hand problem with cold.  Gloves don't work for me in the cold because they restrict circulation.  I usually prefer gauntlets too. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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