General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Leak from gas cap

Message started by Mike O. on 10/18/04 at 05:39:41

Title: Leak from gas cap
Post by Mike O. on 10/18/04 at 05:39:41

I've notice a day or two after I've ridden, I've got a leak from the cap that runs down the tank. Anyone else?

Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by gitarzan on 10/18/04 at 14:26:29

I used to get them after overfilling.

I read about this trick and it worked for me...

Remove the rubber gasket in the cap (this will require disassembly of the cap, don't try it if you are a mechaniklutz) clean it up and flip it over.  Badabing, it's like a new gasket and no leaks.  Your mileage may vary.

Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by Steve on 10/18/04 at 14:34:25

I tried flipping the rubber gasket on my wife's savage and it still leaked.   Then I read somewhere about cutting a piece that matches the gasket from a plastic milk carton and putting that under the rubber gasket, and this has seemed to resolve my wife's leaking cap.

Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by Michael on 10/18/04 at 19:20:36

Hey Guys;

Mine leaks also....I have never fully inspected it, but I asked about it at the dealership, and was told that the cap has no gasket......hmmmmm shows what those guys know!.....

I also saw on the service records, the previous owner addressed this issue during the first service, but their is no evidence they fixed it.

I will be trying the flip over trick, and if it still leaks, I will try the plastic thingy..........Drippy gas plays havoc on a freshly waxed tank......cheers


Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by cphilip on 10/19/04 at 07:19:34

Michael wrote:
I also saw on the service records, the previous owner addressed this issue during the first service, but their is no evidence they fixed it.

He probably got the "they all do that" fix....   :-/

Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by Kropatchek on 10/19/04 at 08:46:46

Michael wrote:
Hey Guys;
I also saw on the service records, the previous owner addressed this issue during the first service, but their is no evidence they fixed it.

He or she probably removed the evidence :-X


Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by za16866 on 10/19/04 at 10:17:13

both of my savages do it too.... i fixed it by sitting on the bike keeping it upright off of the kickstand...while i   fill it to the bottom of the rim in the tank...  then when you lean the bike upright again.. to start riding...  it will not spill out on that nicely waxed tank.....when you fill it up when it's on the stand...leaned to the left....  and then lift the bike straight up...  the gas splashes out ...  

Title: Re: Leak from gas cap
Post by Greg_650 on 10/20/04 at 02:36:40

Mine does not leak.  Even when I had my recent moment of forgetfulness and tipped the bike over when I forgot the wasn't tipped for very long, but it still never leaks even when full.  They don't "all do that". » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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