General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> final road trip of season ???

Message started by sluggo on 10/14/04 at 01:20:02

Title: final road trip of season ???
Post by sluggo on 10/14/04 at 01:20:02

After several months of trying max and I got together for our 2 savage’s ride, I’m speaking of machines here, well maybe.  Arrival at Max’s place brought me in contact with the only other savage I’ve seen in person.  As a bagger it was different, yet still the same. I was impressed on how the savage looked as a touring machine.  We hit the road with lunch at the Grand Coulee dam here as our destination. I’d tell you how we got there but that’s a national security issue. The route did take us through some of the only windy roads in the basin. The sky was blue, temperature about 65 no wind, the smell of wood burning stoves in evidence, a perfect day for riding. Max was grinning from ear to ear at each stop. Entering Grand Coulee is like a blast from the past.  While all the cars are new, time appears to have forgotten this little town. Absent were the franchise operations that have made all small towns look the same. No McDonalds, taco bell, burger king, no Walmat, kmart, fred Meyers. In their place, rockin robin’s, a throwback to the drive inns where you order from the car. Inside the walls were covered with photos of all the local’s machines.  I really loved the red 49 ford two door with a fantastic flame job. A burger joint call tee-pees. Little shops ran by people that owned them. It was quite refreshing. The dam is just an awesome sight it looms large over everything in its shadow. We took some photos’ from above the waterline, then went right down to the base for more.  Security was in evidence. The return trip was a reversal of the way we came yet still a nice trip. So was this the final road trip of the season?  I DOUBT IT.    

Click on link for photos, if page doesn’t load click refresh.

Title: Re: final road trip of season ???
Post by Susan on 10/14/04 at 06:43:56

sluggo wrote:

After several months of trying max and I got together for our 2 savage’s ride, I’m speaking of machines here, well maybe...

Sluggo, Thanks for sharing.  Sounds like a great ride.  I love it when I see another Savage in person.  I've spotted a couple around here - once at a gas station and a pair on a poker run.  ;D  

There are a number of folks around here with Savages so I've been thinking about putting together a ride in the spring.  It's getting a little iffy here from a weather standpoint to plan something now.  There are still going to be great days it is just hard to know when they'll be.

Title: Re: final road trip of season ???
Post by Greg_650 on 10/17/04 at 04:04:01

Nice story, nice pics.  I hadn't seen Max's Bagger in a while either.  I'd like to ride out there sometime too. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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