General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Thanks To You All!

Message started by dog2 on 08/19/04 at 17:21:50

Title: Thanks To You All!
Post by dog2 on 08/19/04 at 17:21:50

I just want to thank all the good people on this forum who informed me on the merits of the Suzuki 650 Savage.
Especially the one guy that said he'd ridden 2300 miles on his Savage with no major problems.
My favorite(and only) daughter came in to some money a little while back. She lives up in South Carolina. Well, she came home on Fathers day of this year to see me, and she said she thought I was just moldering away. Retired, and not doing much. Heading towards 60 real fast, and not seeming to care one way or another.
Well, she goes back up there and starts sending me motorcycle and scooter brochures. See, that was my hobby years ago. I had several motorcycles over a span of about thirty years.
So she starts sending me these brochures.
I was looking at the Burgmans too. Somehow, I find the idea of doing the ton on giant Lambretta intriguing.
Anyway, to make a long story short. I decided a bike wouldn't be a bad idea. Now my wife just didn't see it that way, but after forty-two years of having her point of view changed, the poor girl doesn't seem to have any really concrete convictions, so she didn't thwart me and the daughters' plan.
I settled on the Savage as my fav. Partly due to the fact that a big single has got to be a riot to ride. I remember my old Beezer 441 thumper back in the day. Fun, in a word. I knew this one had to be better. I mean, 4 valves, overhead cam? Sure ought to be a head banger.
Then I got to reading this site, and saw where this bike has a following, and a decent bunch of folks if ever there was one. Not like all them switchblade knife forums that drove me off the web a couple of years ago.
Anyway. This forum helped me decide to say yes to my daughters' offer. She told me she would have the new 2004 LS 650 waiting for me at her place in South Carolina, if I would ride the bus up there and ride the bike back here to Texas. About 1200 miles.
Now, keep in mind that I am 59 years old, and ain't rode a motorcycle in about 15 years.
But I figured I'd go for it, and a lot of that decision was made sitting right here reading this informative and friendly forum.
And I went. And I rode around up there in the country for nine glorious days in some of the prettiest two lane black top forest you have ever seen, breaking the bike in, and getting reacquainted with my old friend motorcycling.. I got the 500 mile oilchange/check-up done at the Suzuki dealer and them I took off fo Texas.
What a ride! What a ride!
Never a malfunction of any kind. I cruised as fast or as slow as I wanted to. I never really got fatigued at the bike either. It managed to keep me interested and entertained at riding it. I could pass any truck that I saw. A lovely bike to ride.
I stopped overnight in Jackson, Mississippi. Ate, took a swim, and crashed for a few hours.
I was up again at sun up, and decided to swing up through Memphis and stop by Graceland and get my wife a shirt. That 55 North up through Mississippi in to Memphis is one of the prettiest stretches of road there is, to my estimation.
Oh well, I got to go.
Thanks again, for all the info.
I'll be around.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Mr 650 on 08/19/04 at 18:34:37

Glad you're on board. Next time you ride to see daughter and come back N. on I-55, jump off on the Natchez Trace. 8)
It's been a few years since I was on it, but it was a very smooth two lane asphalt without  the traffic. I promise if you liked 55 you will really dig the Trace's scenery.
Or, if'n you're into the Blues, do Hwy 51 up to Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale, then up the 'crossroads' and into Tunica and pick out a Casino Hotel to crash at. We plan to cruise as soon as my compadre gets a bike (he keeps trying to buy my Savage). We want to start in Shiloh National Military Park then down the Natchez Trace then back up the Blues Hwy.
Also I'm not sure, I know the Skyline Parkway goes down thru TN from Maryland, maybe into the Carolinas, but it is some awesome ride.  Mr. 'Greg 650' here can advise you there. I went down only a portion of it from MD to W. Virginia, in a @!$ bob truck this June and man!, I was Jonesing for my LS650!

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/19/04 at 18:56:50

Dog2, Welcome to the forum!  As you said there is a great group here and the Savage is an amazing bike.  

Thanks for sharing your story.  Your daughter seems like a wonderful person and your ride home sounds like it was a great adventure.  

Enjoy the ride.  Enjoy life  -- its too short not to be having fun!   :D

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Gargoyle on 08/19/04 at 20:34:35

I agree with the fun part. The Savage is a real blast to ride. It is an under rated motorcycle.  

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Greg_650 on 08/20/04 at 02:26:42

Glad that you are happy on your Savage.  At 54 and having ridden larger bikes in the past, I still enjoy my Savage.

Gargolye: It is under-rated, and I read something in Motorcyclist magazine yesterday that has almost prompted a reply from me, too.  In a magazine that is always rating the "latest, greatest, fastest, and biggest" bikes they also had a very long listing of ALL 2004 bikes.  In their description of the Savage, they said, "Savage at heart, a pussycat for beginners that like thumpers"....I just haven't figured how to take that... >:(

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by dog2 on 08/20/04 at 03:48:16

Good Morning(0525 C),
To everyone that replied, let me say thanks again for the warm welcome and conversation.
I have to plead ignorance, and admit that I don't know how to post individual replies yet on this forum.  If someone would be so good as to point that out to me, I certainly would appreciate it.
My Savage,  hereafter known as "Chief" is a 2004 Purple one. I am happy with this bike. I am 5'8" and 156 lbs. It fits me like a good pair of shoes. I know shoes, because long distance walking with my two rather large dogs, is my sport and pass time too.
But getting back to this bike.
Man! Y'all ain't gonna' believe this, but I ran that bad boy between 80 and 90 that last hundred miles or so coming up out of Mississippi in to Memphis. That bike was in it's world doing that. It sure ain't no sissy bike, and calling it a ladies' bike ain't no insult. You call my 27 year old daughter a sissy, and she is liable to knock you down. And she is so lady like that it is a joy to look at her.
So what if it is such a decent ride that it doesn't scare off the fair sex with obnoxious noise and intimidating size? Heck! That's a plus for the bike if you ask me. And for the ladies too, so they can show just how daring they really are, given the chance!
Yeah man, 652ccs of thumper, 4 valves, OHC. My goodness. And all this in a nimble package that weighs 352 pounds?
While I was breaking the bike in up in S.C. I had a dear run out and hit me on my left leg at 45 mph. I kept the bike up with no pproblem. My padded tongued boot knocked old Bambi out though. I put her off the road, and she snorted and revived, and hauled ass about as fast as I did. But that bike stayed stable and upright. I never had that feeling you get when a bike starts doing it's own thing, and you suddenly become a passenger on a wild ride.
Hey! Does anyone remember the old Cushman Eagles and the fabled at the drag strip Mustangs?
The Eagles of old had a flat head single putting out 8.5 horsepower. Sixty mph top speed.
The Mustang had a 12.5 horsepower flat head single, no front brake, and a low down looking external flywheel.
They would do about 85, and do it quick too. Thus the reputation at the drag strip.
Now this here Chief seems to me like a Super improved Mustang, except a whole lot nicer, and a heck of a lot safer.
Let those motorcycle magazines say what they want. For a practical bike to put around on, ride long distances on, or just to sit here and write about, the Savage more than suits me. It is the bike I never knew I was going to have, and it is the bike I am gong to keep, and work on myself, maintenance wise, somewhat.
I have got to go now, and wish my wife off to work. Then I can turn the sounds on, and get my walking beat down.
Blues? Someone said in one of the gracious replies to my post. Yeah man, I ike blues a lot. I was raised in Bossier City, La. So I came by the liking honestly.
Look, I absolutely love to sit here and write, but I have to go now.
I'll be around.
John B.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 08/20/04 at 05:24:46

8)Welcome John ... and congrats on the Savage ... and great save with the deer man!
I too am a happy Savage owner alll the waaay up here in Newfoundland ... much to my surprise, my 'lil Thumper gets more attention at the local m/c hangout/doughnut shop than does a pal's VS800 Intruder (which is a sweet Bike!) or another pal's '76 GL1000 ... go figure! The Harley guys in particular seem utterly fascinated by the LS650!!

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Kropatchek on 08/20/04 at 06:38:32

Have enjoyed reading your post. Greetings also from the Netherlands. I'm riding my Savage ( no name yet) since sept. last year after not riding motorcycles for 32 years. As a retired aircraft engineer I do the maintenance myself and also the riding. Enjoy and may the Thumper be with you. ;D

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/20/04 at 07:21:25

dog2 wrote:
...I have to plead ignorance, and admit that I don't know how to post individual replies yet on this forum.  If someone would be so good as to point that out to me, I certainly would appreciate it...

Hey John, It is easy to reply to a specific message.  
  • When you see a message you want to respond to click on "quote".  It is in the upper righthand corner of each message.  
  • You will then see the message you are quoting with brackets containing info before the message and after the message.  
  • You can then edit which part of the message you want to quote.  Just leave the stuff in brackets and edit the rest.  
  • The part you quote will end up in the box at the top of the message -- see this one for an example.
  • You can also see how it will look by using the preview button.

Hope this helps and accept my apologies if my response is too basic.  I just wanted to be as clear as possible.  :)

Happy posting!

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/20/04 at 07:43:17

Greg_650 wrote:
...In their description of the Savage, they said, "Savage at heart, a pussycat for beginners that like thumpers"....I just haven't figured how to take that... >:(

I have to admit I spent the last five minutes trying to figure out what a thingycat was... ::)  Thought I must be behind on the latest slang.  Then realized it was our kirky board changing p-u-s-s-ycat to girl thingycat.  Boy am I having a good laugh at myself!

I think anyone who writes that about the Savage hasn't ridden one.  It does attract female riders (myself included) for the standover height and the light weight. BUT it also attracts them because they want a real bike that is sweet to ride and kicks butt.  I keep up with my husband's Triumph Thunderbird easy.  He rides my bike sometimes and loves the low end torque and thumper feel.  

Hmm, just read the original quote again and am now realizing it could also be interpreted differently.  
  • "Savage at heart" is good;
  • "p-u-s-s-ycat for beginners" is true -- it is a great ride and very manageable for beginners;
  • "that like thumpers" no explanation needed.  
  • I guess what's missing is the thought that the Savage isn't just a beginner bike -- its got enough to it that experienced riders love it too.  
  • Plus they also left out that it is a great bike to work on as the single cylinder and belt drive make the mechanics simpler than a lot of other bikes.

Enough rambling for now...

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by sunny on 08/20/04 at 07:50:42

PerrydaSavage wrote:
8)Welcome John ... and congrats on the Savage ... and great save with the deer man!
I too am a happy Savage owner alll the waaay up here in Newfoundland ... much to my surprise, my 'lil Thumper gets more attention at the local m/c hangout/doughnut shop than does a pal's VS800 Intruder (which is a sweet Bike!) or another pal's '76 GL1000 ... go figure! The Harley guys in particular seem utterly fascinated by the LS650!!

that is my experience too, once they get over the fact that there is a female beneath the helmet...
the harley guy in the office just stared and stared at my bike the first time we did lunch. then he said "that's a SINGLE CYLINDER???"
it's got clean lines, no superficial gadgetry, and it's got what it takes for the highways up here in dallas.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Greg_650 on 08/20/04 at 10:14:07

Susan wrote:

I have to admit I spent the last five minutes trying to figure out what a thingycat was... ::)  Thought I must be behind on the latest slang.  Then realized it was our kirky board changing p-u-s-s-ycat to girl thingycat.  Boy am I having a good laugh at myself!

I think anyone who writes that about the Savage hasn't ridden one.  It does attract female riders (myself included) for the standover height and the light weight. BUT it also attracts them because they want a real bike that is sweet to ride and kicks butt.  I keep up with my husband's Triumph Thunderbird easy.  He rides my bike sometimes and loves the low end torque and thumper feel.  

Hmm, just read the original quote again and am now realizing it could also be interpreted differently.  
  • "Savage at heart" is good;
  • "p-u-s-s-ycat for beginners" is true -- it is a great ride and very manageable for beginners;
  • "that like thumpers" no explanation needed.  
  • I guess what's missing is the thought that the Savage isn't just a beginner bike -- its got enough to it that experienced riders love it too.  
  • Plus they also left out that it is a great bike to work on as the single cylinder and belt drive make the mechanics simpler than a lot of other bikes.

Enough rambling for now...

Yeah, I just re-read that.  The parental controls were at work far we have petthingy and thingycat.  Just think of the mind of the person that created these filters.

I wonder what happens to p_u_s_s_y willow.  Here goes...girl thingy willow.


As for the rest.  I guess that what they didn't say is what bothered me.  When the rest of the magazine is all about killer horsepower and huge displacement, I kinda took exception to p_u_s_s_ycat reference.  Besides, I'm no beginner.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by gitarzan on 08/20/04 at 11:17:19

Welcome Dog2!  It's a easy bike to to like.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/20/04 at 12:19:03

Greg_650 wrote:

Yeah, I just re-read that.  The parental controls were at work far we have petthingy and thingycat.  Just think of the mind of the person that created these filters.

Had it happen on another message today.  I tried to write ache like the d-i-c-kens and it came out thingyens!  Oh well.  Just keeps us on our toes.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by gitarzan on 08/20/04 at 19:50:27

Susan wrote:

Had it happen on another message today.  I tried to write ache like the d-i-c-kens and it came out thingyens!  Oh well.  Just keeps us on our toes.

I've been (maybe all of us have) been on boards that got out of hand.  While the filter is amusing, if not overly restrictive, it doesn't bother me as much as people getting into a pissing match, or name calling. And it's kind of fun getting around it.  Petcaulk.  :-X

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by gitarzan on 08/20/04 at 19:51:48


Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by dog2 on 08/21/04 at 02:02:42

Susan wrote:

Hey John, It is easy to reply to a specific message.  

  • Hope this helps and accept my apologies if my response is too basic.  I just wanted to be as clear as possible.  :)

Hey Susan,
Good morning(0355 CST), and thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. And to me, a thorough, basic explanation is the best kind!
I see you are from Eastern Pa. I spent some time up there back in the mid '80s. That is a beatiful place. I was in Mt. Pocono for three months going to school at Tobyhana arsenal.
That is some beautiful thumpin' country up there. I envy you and that purple Savage.
Thanks again, and I hope this works.
N.E. Texas
2004 Purple Savage

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by dog2 on 08/21/04 at 02:31:46

PerrydaSavage wrote:
8)Welcome John ... and congrats on the Savage ... and great save with the deer man!
I too am a happy Savage owner alll the waaay up here in Newfoundland ... much to my surprise, my 'lil Thumper gets more attention at the local m/c hangout/doughnut shop

That deal with the deer scared the p-diddle out of me! I was glad it didn't happen the night I got the bike and was out trying to get my cycle legs back. I'd probably be in traction now.
See, the day I got up there, we went straight to the shop and I rode the bike, following her, out in the country about 14 miles. I got sort of scared, or rather sort of wary feeling, every time I'd go up around 50mph. It just felt awkward. So it just wouldn't have done for me to have hit that deer then! Oh, I shudder to think.
I hit the deer the very night I had got the 500 mile oil change/check-up.
But by then I was back at it, as far as the motorcycling goes. And I had done been on a day trip down to Charleston, going over those gigantic bridges and all. Man! They really looked big from the perspective of that bike!
Anyway, that night was beautiful, and had a full moon. I couldn't resist going out for a spin. Way out in the country where she lives. A road called Cane Gully road. Lonesome two lane black top.
I was tooling along about 50mph, and that deer ran across the road about forty yards ahead. I grabbed the brakes, and was slowing down to about 45 when he ran back acroos the road and charged my left shin, and actually hit me! ( It's a good thing I had bought my trusty Wal-Mart high top, padded tongue boots!)
It knocked the deer cold, and caused me quite a swerve, but never a moment of doubt that I wasn't in control of the bike. That bike just goes where you want it to, apparently.
So I get stopped, and circle back and see that my first ever deer is laying there gasping for breath. I grabbed it by its hooves, and drug it off the road. About then it came back to conscietiousness, and jumped and ran. I went the other way about as fast.
I hear my wife, so I have got to go NOW!
I'll see You All Later,

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/21/04 at 05:40:23

gitarzan wrote:

While the filter is amusing, if not overly restrictive, it doesn't bother me as much as people getting into a pissing match, or name calling...

Amen to that!  I love that about this board.  Down to earth, common sense folk who want to help each other and have some fun.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by Susan on 08/21/04 at 05:43:41

dog2 wrote:

I see you are from Eastern Pa. I spent some time up there back in the mid '80s. That is a beatiful place. I was in Mt. Pocono for three months going to school at Tobyhana arsenal.
That is some beautiful thumpin' country up there. I envy you and that purple Savage.
Thanks again, and I hope this works.

You're welcome!  I am always happy to help.  You are right that this is beautiful thumping country.  Hills, twisties, woods, lots of open space.  There is another topic about best rides.  I didn't post there but I feel like everytime I go for a ride I am lucky.  I used to live in Michigan which was nice but not as good motorcycle country.

Title: Re: Thanks To You All!
Post by cphilip on 08/21/04 at 12:10:09

Hey Dog....what part of SC is your daughter in? I am in SC... and since she has come into money and is buying motorcycles well... um....

Just kidding ya. Hey if you really do want to get back into scootering and lambretta's and Vespa's I got a buddy out in Austin that has a good stash of them and he's a pretty good guy to deal with. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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